
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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No 1 (2016)
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5-12 5519

In the article the general concepts of the choice in economy are stated, its features and priority directions of implementation in the agrarian and industrial complex of Belarus are reasoned. The conditions and factors providing possibilities of choosing the most optimal variants to increase the efficiency of functioning and competitive stability of the agrarian and industrial complex of the republic are substantiated.

13-23 1152

The paper deals with the export potential of the Republic of Belarus and the main directions of its development. Construction principles and the essence of the export potential, the role and value of which increases with the openness of national economies to the outside world are presented. Analyzed are the trends in the foreign trade of Belarus as well as the place of Belarus in the world market in respect of the production of basic goods, export and import of major agricultural raw materials and food, influencing factors of export development, measures and mechanisms of the export support including the government support. Proposals for improving the basic directions of the development of export potential of Belarus have been worked out to promote goods to foreign markets.

24-32 696

The article researches the principles of the development of the world trade in agricultural products and food and their in-fluence on the foreign trade of Belarus. The trends in Belarusian export of agricultural products are analyzed and the existing problems of promotion of domestic products to foreign markets are identified. The prospects of the development of Belarusian export in respect of the balance between the domestic food market and participation in the regional and international integration as well as the directions of its geographic and product diversification are determined.

33-46 448

The paper presents practical recommendations for raising competitiveness of combine harvesters as a block diagram of mechanism raising their competitiveness as well as the ways enabling to increase the competitiveness of combine harvester manufacturers. Represented is the system of identification of beating-and-separating devices which allows describing their variety as a structural formula. The morphological matrix of functional-and-constructional performance of beating-and-separating devices is built. This matrix describes well known designs of beating-and-separating devices of serial self-propelled combine harvesters including those produced in Belarus and allows forming new prospective solutions from combinations of the components to choose original performance of beating-and-separating devices.


47-52 1200

The results of a comparative analysis of the soil cover component composition of agricultural land of western part of Pripyat Polesie for example Stolin district of Brest region, Gomel and Brest regions of Belarus Polesie and Republic of Belarus on the types of accessories, degree of moistening, parent rocks granulometric composition, the level of fertility and favorable for agriculture. It was established that soils of Stolin district agricultural land are characterized by abundance of soddy waterlogged soils, alluvial soddy soils and alluvial soddy waterlogged soils with loamy and coherent sandy loam granulometric composition. This contributes to relatively high inherent weight of agricultural land soil most favorable for agriculture in comparison with polesie region and republic on the whole.

53-59 469

The paper presents the advantages of the ecologically based technology as a part of organic agriculture in comparison with traditional ways using the methods of comparison of biological and non biological preparations against weeds and diseases. Also the article shows the study of accumulation of dispensable and nondispensable amino acids in potato tubers what is very important in view of the development of organic agriculture in Belarus. It’s established that when potato is grown in accordance with the ecologically based technology the profitability is 33 % higher than the profitability according to the traditional technology with the use of chemical means of protection.

60-63 450

The results of the research on biological and economic efficiency of the insecticide Grinda, SP against onion fly in common onion are stated. It is determined that the timely plant protection against onion fly using the insecticide Grinda, SP allows increasing the yield of common onion by 30.7 %.


64-67 653

The article presents the results of studies on the yield of young pigs of different genotypes fattened up to heavy сonditions. It’s established that among all the hybrids Pietren descendants demonstrate the highest yield, the difference between the weight gain of Pietren descendants and other hybrids being formed during the fattening period. The average weight gain per production cycle of pigs – Pietren descendants is 672 g, that is 86, 89 and 63 g more than Landrace, Yorkshire and Duroc descendants have (P <0.001).

68-73 398

Conducted is the study on the use of nutrients in the diet of young cattle when the feed additive on the basis of by-products of sugar beet production is included. It’s established that including a definite amount of feed additives into the diet of young cattle helps to activate microbiological processes in the rumen and has a positive impact on the physiological condition of the animals.

74-79 481

The paper in question presents the recipe of a mineral and vitamin additive taking into account the deficit of macro and micro elements and vitamins in the diets with distiller’s grains and their content in rock salt, dolomite powder, sapropel, phosphogypsum. Studied is the efficiency of using feed energy when the additive is included in the diets of calves. It is determined that feeding young cattle on the mineral and vitamin additive promotes a better supply of animals with minerals that brings about the increase of enzymatic process activity in the rumen. As a result the concentration of volatile fatty acids rises by 5.3 %, absorption of ammonia improves, and the content of total and protein nitrogen increases by 4.2–7.2 %. The degree of conversion of nutrients and feed energy into meat increases by 9.6 %, the average daily weight gain increases from 850 to 927 g, and feed costs are reduced by 8 %, including concentrates – by 12.

80-87 453

The paper deals with the main directions of the research on valuable fish species breeding and rearing of the Institute of Fisheries in the light of the development of the domestic and world aquaculture.


88-94 452

The paper deals with the concept of the development of Integrated Software System for planning of production of an agri cultural enterprise. A review of the existing software systems has been conducted. On the basis of the research the model of the software system is proposed, its functions are described; the structure and the business model of the project are developed.

95-103 463

On the basis of the analytical research the constructive-technological scheme of a two-disc plough share with a zero angle of slope and truncate conical furrow forming ledges has been developed. Furrow forming ledges allow making furrows with an increased area of soil compaction under seeds and side surface. In comparison with serial disc ploughshares they ensure a quicker soaking of seeds and their field germination ability. The article determines the dependence of the depth of furrow formation and the depth of seed placement, and also the difference between the depth of furrows and seeds depending on the speed of ploughshares movement and their pressure on soil.

104-108 439

To make feed mixtures from separate feed components screws are used in fodder mixers. The nature of feed movement in a hopper is different that is why energy consumption depends on separate working zones of a screw. One of the important technical elements affecting power required for transportation is a screw helix angle. It’s established that this parameter depends on physical and mechanical properties of feed and geometric parameters of a hopper and a screw. The results of the research are implemented in a mobile fodder mixer IBS-10 for a multi-component enriched additive.

109-116 386

As a result of the research on improvement of labour safety in the conditions of changing parameters of cranberry production the mathematical model has been developed. The model allows determining optimal values of the factors when the maximum value of fullness of safe cutting of cranberry shoots is reached. It is established that the process of shoots raising, brushing and cutting is the greatest danger for a machinery operator to be injured on a cranberry check.


117-123 783

The article presets the results of the research on optimization of the process of yeast generation at differentiated division and processing of rye biopolymers by applying proteolytic and cellulolytic enzyme preparations. The influence of the applied enzyme preparations on yeast cells concentration has been established; the dynamics of getting carbon dioxide in the process of yeast generation with the use of alcohol dry yeast Oenoferm C2. has been conducted.


ISSN 1817-7204 (Print)
ISSN 1817-7239 (Online)