
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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Direct and indirect losses determining the harmfulness of mushrooms p. Fusarium – fusariosis causes wheat speak and grain


Fungi p. Fusarium is one of the most harmful pathogens of wheat diseases. Their harmfulness is caused both by direct losses due to decrease in yield, and indirect as a result of infection of the obtained products with mycotoxins and decrease in process, baking and sowing parameters of grain. Due to high potential losses, analysis of quantitative parameters of harmfulness of fusarium pathogens of spike and grain is relevant. The paper presents data showing the harmfulness of Fusarium of spike and wheat grain. The causes of direct and indirect losses in case of damage to wheat spike by fungi of p. Fusarium. Direct losses of crop yield are shown in the natural conditions of Minsk region and with the epiphytotic development of the disease in case of artificial infection, which can reach over 50 %. The effect of Fusaria on baking properties of wheat is analyzed. It was determined that grain damage causes decrease in weight of 1000 grains and the flour yield when it is used in the milling industry, as well as deterioration in its quality due to decrease in protein and crude gluten level. The effect of pathogens on sowing parameters of grain is determined. It is concluded that for use as seeds in terms of laboratory germination capacity, batches of grain infected with Fusarium only up to 15 % can be accepted. The data obtained will allow us to adapt protective measures against Fusarium of spike and grain and reduce its negative impact on crop yield and quality of the products obtained.

About the Authors

Yu. K. Shashko
The Research and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Arable Farming

Shashko Yuriy K. - Ph.D. (Agriculture), Assistant Professor

1 Timiryazeva Str., Zhodino, Minsk Region 222160

A. L. Dolgova
The Research and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Arable Farming

Dalhova Alena L. - Ph.D. (Agriculture)

1 Timiryazeva Str., Zhodino, Minsk Region 222160

M. N. Shashko
The Research and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Arable Farming

Shashko Maryna N. 

1 Timiryazeva Str., Zhodino, Minsk Region 222160


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