F. B. Musaev
Federal Scientific Vegetable Russian Federation
Farkhad B. Musaev– Dr. Sc. (Agriculture), Leading Researcher
14, Selektsionnaya Str., village VNIISSOK, 143080, Odintsovo District, Moscow Region
S. L. Beletskiу
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Confectionery Industry – Branch of the V. M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of the Russian Academy of Sciences Russian Federation
Sergey L. Beletskiу– Ph. D. (Engineering), Associate Professor
20, Elektrozavodskaya Str., 107023, Moscow
V. V. Looze
Research Institute for Storage Problems of the Federal Reserve Russian Federation
Valery V. Looze– Senior Researcher
40, Volo chaevskaya Str., 111033, Moscow
M. M. Tareeva
Federal Scientific Vegetable Russian Federation
Marina M. Tareeva– Ph. D. (Agriculture), Senior Researcher
14, Selektsionnaya Str., village VNIISSOK, 143080, Odintsovo District, Moscow Region
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