A. Y. Krivoruchko
All-Russian Research Institute for Sheep and Goat Breeding - branch of the North Caucasus Federal Agricultural Research Center Russian Federation
Alexander Y. Krivoruchko - D. Sc. (Biological)
15 Alley Zootechnical, Stavropol, 355017
O. A. Yatsyk
All-Russian Research Institute for Sheep and Goat Breeding - branch of the North Caucasus Federal Agricultural Research Center Russian Federation
Olesya A. Yatsyk - Ph.D. (Biological)
15 Alley Zootechnical, Stavropol, 355017
T. Y. Saprikina
All-Russian Research Institute for Sheep and Goat Breeding - branch of the North Caucasus Federal Agricultural Research Center Russian Federation
Tatyana Y. Saprikina
15 Alley Zootechnical, Stavropol, 355017
D. D. Petukhova
All-Russian Research Institute for Sheep and Goat Breeding - branch of the North Caucasus Federal Agricultural Research Center Russian Federation
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