
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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Development of formulations for emulsions and dry mixes for production of semi-finished products using additive technologies


Study of possibilities of using various types of raw materials as fillers for food 3D printers is relevant for development of additive technologies in the field of food production. Currently, the properties are studied to the greatest extent and the ingredients are widely used for confectionery production in the world and, at the same time, the process properties of raw materials of animal origin, in particular meat raw material, as one of the main sources of protein are of greater interest. Process capabilities of meat raw material were studied for this purpose for formulating emulsions or mixtures suitable for use as a raw material for food 3D printer. Formulations of emulsions and dry mixes are developed based on broiler chicken meat, as well as combinations of broiler chicken meat and pork, pork and beef (ratio 1 : 1) for manufacture of semi-finished products, as well as production technologies. It was determined that it is advisable to add structure-forming components to formulations of emulsions in a dry form, which provides improved functional-and-process and structural-and-mechanical indicators in comparison with hydrated and gel forms. It was determined that 15% of hydrolyzed connective tissue or 10 % of hydrolyzed pork skin can reduce the level of structure-forming components in emulsion formulations, and also has a positive effect on reducing the cost price of emulsions while maintaining rational functional-and-process and structural-and-mechanical parameters. It has been revealed that adding 6-12 % of WPS-UF-80, 5-10 % of dry whey or 4-8 % of fat free milk powder into emulsion formulations allows reducing the level of structure-forming ingredients in the formulations. These mixtures and emulsions used as raw materials for food 3D printers will ensure production of innovative group of meat products using additive technologies in the Republic of Belarus.

About the Authors

A. V. Meliashchenia
Institute for the Meat and Dairy Industry, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Alexey V. Meliashchenia  –  Ph.  D.  (Economics), Assistant Professor

172 Partizanski Ave., Minsk 220075

I. V. Kaltovich
Institute for the Meat and Dairy Industry, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Irina V. Kaltovich – Ph. D. (Engineering), Assistant Professor

172 Partizanski Ave., Minsk 220075


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ISSN 1817-7204 (Print)
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