Modeling and optimization of technological process and means of mechanization of grain production for middle China based on Belarusian technology
One of the main problems in grain production in China is the high level of unit costs (high cost price). The main reason is the low level of mechanization. Development of efficient technologies and means of mechanization is a promising area allowing to decrease the level of unit costs at a given labor efficiency and maintaining the achieved yield. Grain production is a complex system associated with a large amount of information: agro-technological (crop variety, crop yield, physical-and-mechanical parameters of land plots, terms of operations, permissible speed range for specific operations, etc.), technical-and-economic (power and traction parameters, throughput, working width, operating weight, hopper volume , cost). At present, efficient methods for studying complex systems have appeared as a result of development and widespread implementation of computer mathematics systems, which allow us to study mechanization technologies and tools using multi-factor modeling and multi-criteria optimization. The paper presents a multi-factor mathematical model, peculiar for the fact that the three groups of simultaneously varying factors are taken for the first time engine power, MTA speed, timing of the main energy-intensive operations – plowing, harvesting, and as conflicting optimization parameters unit cost level, coefficient of crop losses, labor efficiency, which allowed a comprehensive study of the grain production process in any natural-production conditions. A technological process has been developed (units speed and timing of the main operations (plowing, harvesting) and the corresponding range of machines and equipment, ensuring minimum level of unit costs at a given labor efficiency and maintaining the achieved crop yield, taking into account the specifics of the Middle China (2 crops per year).
About the Authors
Qingzhen LiChina
Qingzhen Li - Postgraduate Student, the Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University (99 Nezavisimosti Ave., 220023, Minsk, Republic of Belarus); Shihezi University (280 N 4th Rd, Shihezi, Xinjiang, China)
A. N. Leonov
Andrey N. Leonov - D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor
99 Nezavisimosti Ave., 220023, MinskReferences
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