
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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Raw materials and feed production technology for valuable fish species in the Republic of Belarus


The paper raises problems of production of domestic compound feed for valuable fish species. The following representatives of valuable fish species are reared in the Republic of Belarus: rainbow trout, sterlet sturgeon, sturgeon, European and African catfish. All these types need high-quality and inexpensive compound feeds. Production of such feed is developing in our country. All the feeds for valuable fish species are extruded in the modern world. A range of raw materials has been studied that can be used as part of compound feeds for valuable fish species, such as Belarusian made fish meal, dry hemoglobin, soy concentrate, and whey fat concentrate. It has been determined that Belarusian fishmeal is of high quality and not inferior in balance to the amino acid composition of imported fishmeal made in Mauritania, and in terms of leucine and isoleucine level, over 2 times exceeds the imported one. Amino acid composition of dry hemoglobin was studied. It was determined that this feed additive can be used only for balancing feed for crude protein level and practically does not contain such an important essential amino acid as methionine. Valuable fish species are predators, for this reason compound feed contain high amount of protein (up to 50 %) and fat (up to 30 %) depending on the type and age of the fish. Therefore, soy protein concentrate can be used in terms of protein content and absence of anti-nutritional substances in compound feed, and whey-fat concentrate can be used for balancing the formulation for fat content. At the same time, the need for development of such deep processing industry in our republic is noted.

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ISSN 1817-7204 (Print)
ISSN 1817-7239 (Online)