Food security of the Republic of Belarus: achievements and prospects
The role and importance is growing fast in the world for international trade, technology transfer, interstate financial cooperation, cooperative and integration, interdisciplinary, regional and international cooperation, including the one in agriculture and food security fields. At the same time, the cases of food insecurity due to situation changes in foreign markets for agricultural raw materials and prepared food are becoming frequent. Access to food becomes a lever of foreign policy influence, and the weight of food expenditures in the structure of consumer spending takes a decisive role in ensuring food security. In this regard, the problem of hunger and malnutrition is still relevant in many regions due lack or deficiency of population income. The paper presents a comprehensive research of modern aspects for ensuring food security at global and national levels, including the current state of agricultural production and its development prospects, international assessment of food security level in countries and regions of the world, global trends in world agricultural trade of raw materials and prepared food, assessment of physical and economic affordability of foodstuff, nutrition level, welfare and public health. The results of assessing the environmental sustainability of agricultural production are presented. The level of public awareness in the field of food security is analyzed. It was determined that in general, there are prospects for Belarus for more efficient food security gaining due to qualitative parameters, for instance, increasing efficiency of resource potential, growth of consumer purchasing power, expansion of domestic market by increasing the proportion of safe functional nutrition for specific population categories according to occupation, age, health status, etc.
About the Authors
A. V. PilipukBelarus
Andrey V. Pilipuk – D.Sc. (Economic), Associate Professor
103 Kazintsa Str., Minsk 220108G. V. Gusakov
Gordey V. Gusakov – Ph.D. (Economics)
103 Kazintsa Str., Minsk 220108N. V. Karpovich
Natalia V. Karpovich – Ph.D. (Economics)
103 Kazintsa Str., Minsk 220108L. T. Yonchik
Liliya T. Yonchik
103 Kazintsa Str., Minsk 220108L. A. Lobanova
Ludmila A. Lobanova
103 Kazintsa Str., Minsk 220108O. V. Svistun
Olga V. Svistun
103 Kazintsa Str., Minsk 220108References
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