
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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Scientific basis of technology for production of cationic starch


Starch derivatives containing ether cationic groups (amino-, ammonium, sulfonium, phosphonium, etc.) are vital commercial product. Cationic starches with tertiary amino- and quaternary ammonium ether groups have found the greatest use. The paper is devoted to sore problem - deep processing of vegetable starch-containing raw materials and in particular production of domestic chemically modified (substituted) cationic starch. Comparative studies of the kinetics of the reac­tion of obtaining cationic ethers of potato and corn starch using N-(3-chloro-2-hydroxypropyl)-N,N,N-trimethylammonium © Литвяк В. В., 2019 chloride depending on the molar ratio of reagents, temperature, concentration of starch suspension and the nature of na­tive starch. The effect of starch cationization process on the morphological peculiarities of starch granules, as well as de­gree of crystallinity, was studied. The effect of cationization of starch on the structural characteristics of granules (degree of crystallinity-and-amorphism) at the general preservation of starch granules and physical and chemical properties (rheolog­ical and thermogravimetric) has been determined. A scientifically based, highly efficient method for cationization of starch N-(3-chloro-2-hydroxypropyl)-N,N,N-trimethylammonium chloride in an alkaline medium with the use of gelatinization inhibitors was developed allowing to obtain cationic starch with substitution degree of 0.01-0.06 mol/mol. The obtained cationic starch can be used in the pulp and paper, textile and other industry. The developed technology for production of chemically modified cationic starch has been successfully implemented at local enterprises.

About the Author

V. V. Litvyak
The Research and Practical Centre of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Foodstuffs.

Litvyak Vladimir V. - D. Sc. (Engineering), Ph. D. (Che­mistry), Associate Professor.

29 Kozlova Str., Minsk 220037.


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