Studying the processing of leguminous components into easily digestible feed for calves
About the Authors
V. I. PerednyaBelarus
Perednya Vladimir I. - D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor.
1 Knorina Str., Minsk 220049.
V. I. Khrutsky
Khrutsky Vladimir I.
1 Knorina Str., Minsk 220049.
A. A. Romanovich
Russian Federation
Romanovich Anastasia A. - Ph. D. (Engineering), Associate Professor.
99 Nezavisimosti Ave., Minsk 220023.
A. V. Kitun
Kitun Anton Vladimirovich - D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor.
99 Nezavisimosti Ave., Minsk 220023.
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