
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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Methodological approaches for optimization of structure of production means of agricultural companies in the Republic of Belarus


Economic efficiency at agricultural companies greatly depends on availability of production means, including fixed and circulating assets, their structure and application efficiency. Specialization has a significant impact on the structure of production means. Problems of optimization of the structure of production means are studied by scientists from near abroad, but their research are of fragmented character and mostly do not take into account specialization of agricultural producers. In this regard, the relevance of research conducted is conditioned by the need to determine the perfect structure of fixed and circulating assets in the context of specialization profile, which will serve as a guide for agricultural companies, especially when scheduling investment activities. The paper dwells on the following main areas of specialization: dairy and beef cattle; grain production with dairy cattle breeding; grain production with dairy and beef cattle breeding; dairy cattle breeding. The effect of the natural material and age structure of fixed assets, as well as the structure of circulating assets depending on the functional role for the economic and financial indicators of agricultural companies in the context of specialization is analyzed. The effect of qualitative indicators of agricultural production on the structure of production was studied, partial dependencies between the studied indicators were identified, and the perfect structure of fixed and circulating assets was determined according to specialization. Investment options in fixed assets of inefficiently functioning agricultural companies were proposed to bring their structure to the optimal level. In terms of specialization profile, models were constructed reflecting the effect of factor indicators (cost of production means elements) on the efficient one (revenue from agricultural products sales). Regression analysis allowed to determine the nature of the effect of factor indicators on the efficient one, as well as to identify reserves for increasing production and financial indicators. These developments can be used for scheduling production and investment activities of agricultural companies.

About the Authors

V. V. Chabatul
The Institute of System Research in Agro-Industrial Complex of the Na- tional Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

Chabatul Vitaly V. – Ph. D. (Economics). 

 103 Kazintsa Str., Minsk 220108.

A. N. Rusakovich
The Institute of System Research in Agro-Industrial Complex of the Na- tional Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

Rusakovich Aliaksander N. – Postgraduate Student. 

 103 Kazintsa Str., Minsk 220108.

M. V. Papinava
The Institute of System Research in Agro-Industrial Complex of the Na- tional Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

 Papinava Marharyta V. – Postgraduate Student. 

103 Kazintsa Str., Minsk 220108.


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