
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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Crop yield greatly depends on quality and biological value of seeds. And biological value of seeds is characterized here not as much by geometric parameters as by their density, which is related to ripeness and nature of seed. Seeds with the greatest density have high germination energy, viability and, respectively, show high yield. The most efficient method for seed sorting by density is vibro-pneumatic sorting in a fluidized bed. Based on the studies carried out, the design and engineering layout of a direct-flow vibro-pneumatic separator with new engineering solutions has been scientifically substantiated and practically implemented. To study the process of seed sorting in a fluidized bed, a test rig was designed and manufactured, with the main element of developed direct-flow vibro-pneumatic separator allowing to significantly improve the efficiency of sorting the components of grain mixture into fractions that differ in density by 10–15 %. Based on the theoretical and experimental studies carried out, a mathematical model is obtained to determine the performance of vibro-pneumatic equipment, considering physical and mechanical properties of processed seeds and design features of the equipment. Analysis of mathematical equations allowed to determine the main directions for increasing the efficiency of vibro-pneumatic sorting of grain and seeds in a fluidized bed. The obtained mathematical dependencies can be used in substantiating rational mode and constructive parameters of vibro-pneumatic equipment operation for seed sorting by density. Implementation of research results will allow forming research and engineering basis for creation of high-performance machines for pre-seeding grain and seed preparation.


About the Authors

I. N. Shilo
The Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University
D.Sc. (Engineering), Professor

V. M. Pozdniakov
Associate Professor. The Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University
D.Sc. (Engineering)

S. A. Zelenko
The Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University
M.S., Assistant


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