
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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Long-term stationary experiments are the necessary information base for the conducting of science oriented arable farming. The research results obtained in such experiments are of great importance not only for solving current issues in agricultural practice, but also for developing strategic global directions for improving agricultural systems and agricultural production in whole. In stationary experiments, it is possible to trace the dynamics of land capacity, soil fertility recovery, including changes of agrochemical, physical and biological properties, the phytosanitary state of crops and soil at different levels of intensification and technology used. This makes it possible to give justified recommendations for farming in enterprises with different levels of production at different stages and in different years with different weather conditions. In the meantime, the information obtained in such experiments can serve as a basis for forecasting and modeling of the most effective technologies and systems of arable farming in future. This can not be fully achieved and achieved with high significance in short-term experiments. The article presents the results of 40-year stationary experiment on the study of different types and kinds of crop rotations for agricultural enterprises of different specializations using different fertilizing systems and levels. Over 20 schemes of field and fodder crop rotations, permanent crops of cereals, legumes and fodder crops have been studied. As a result of long-term field experiments, the possibility of adjusting crop rotations under conditions of farming intensification has been substantiated, intensive crop rotations have been developed for farms specializing in production of milk, beef and pork. The evaluation of crops as predecessors in crop rotations with substantiation for cereals, legumes, perennial grasses and tilled crops in various types of crop rotations is given. The effect of different types and kinds of crop rotations on soil fertility was studied. Application of intermediate crops has been scientifically substantiated and schemes of crop rotations with intermediate crops have been developed.

About the Authors

F. I. Privalov
The Research and Practical Center for Arable Faming of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Zhodino
Corresponding Member, D. Sc. (Agricultural), Professor

A. Ch. A.Ch. Skirukha
The Research and Practical Center for Arable Faming of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Zhodino
Ph.D. (Agricultural)


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7. Nikonchik P. I., Usenya A. A., Skirukha A. Ch. Scientific bases of crop rotation in agriculture in Belarus: main results of scientific research. Zemledelie i selektsiya v Belarusi: sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Agriculture and Plant Breeding in Belarus: a collection of scientific papers]. Minsk, 2013, no. 49, pp. 4–28 (in Russian).

8. Skirukha A. Ch. Productivity and agroeconomic efficiency of grain-grass-tilled and specialized grain-grass crop rotations on sod-podzolic soils of the Republic of Belarus. Abstract of doctoral thesis in agriculture. Zhodino, 2000. 18 p. (in Russian).

9. Usenya A. A., Skirukha A. Ch. Agroeconomic and energy assessment of different kinds and types of crop rotations. Vestsi Akademii agrarnykh navuk Respubliki Belarus’ [Proceedings of the Academy Agrarian Sciences of the Republic of Belarus], 2000, no. 3, pp. 10–12 (in Russian).

10. Nikonchik P. I. Productivity of specialized grain-grass crop rotations depending on the duration of use and the period of perennial grasses reseeding. Zemledelie i selektsiya v Belarusi: sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Agriculture and Plant Breeding in Belarus: a collection of scientific papers]. Minsk, 2008, no. 44, pp. 3–11 (in Russian).

11. Skirukha A. Ch., Usenya A. A., Gribanov L. N., Shashko Yu. K., Tupik S. I., Byk E. S., Sikorskii A. V. Optimization of red clover use as a factor of increasing grass stand productivity in specialized crop rotations. Zemledelie i zashchita rastenii = Agriculture and Plant Protection, 2014, no. 3, pp. 14–17 (in Russian).

12. Skirukha A. Ch., Gribanov L. N. Influence of concentration and the period of return of leguminous crops in crop rotation on their yield and the development of fusarium root rot. Zemledelie i selektsiya v Belarusi: sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Agriculture and Plant Breeding in Belarus: a collection of scientific papers]. Zhodino, 2010, no. 46, pp. 16–20 (in Russian).

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14. Skirukha A. Ch. Rational selection of crops in the crop rotation system as a reserve for increasing the production of feed and protein. Zemledelie i zashchita rastenii = Agriculture and Plant Protection, 2017, no. 1, pp. 12–15 (in Russian).

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17. Gribanov L. N., Skirukha A. Ch., Byk E. S., Likhtarovich V. F. The role of a precursor in the formation of spicules yield in crop rotations with a high concentration of cereals. Zemledelie i selektsiya v Belarusi: sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Agriculture and Plant Breeding in Belarus: a collection of scientific papers]. Minsk, 2015, no. 51, pp. 13–18 (in Russian).

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22. Skirukha A. Ch. Crop rotation and rational structure of arable lands as reserves for efficient land use. Zemledelie i zashchita rastenii = Agriculture and Plant Protection, 2016, no. 3, pp. 24–25 (in Russian).

23. Nikonchik P. I. Soil-ecological opportunities for production and export of agricultural products at various levels of farming and livestock at agricultural organizations of Belarus. Zemlyarobstva i akhova raslin [Agriculture and Plant Protection], 2010, no. 5, pp. 5–10 (in Russian).

24. Nikonchik P. I. Intermediate crops in crop rotations as means to improve the use of climate resources and improve sustainability of farming. Zemlyarobstva i akhova raslin [Agriculture and Plant Protection], 2010, no. 2, pp. 9–11 (in Russian).

25. Skirukha A. Ch., Usenya A. A., Tupik S. I. Influence of the use of afterharvest sowing and straw plowback on fodder crops yield and humus content change in various types of crop rotations. Zemledelie i selektsiya v Belarusi: sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Agriculture and Plant Breeding in Belarus: a collection of scientific papers]. Zhodino, 2011, no. 47, pp. 18–23 (in Russian).

26. Skirukha A. Ch. Complex influence of fertilizer systems, use of straw and stubble crops on humus content change in soil of grain crop rotation in Belarus. Zernovoe khozyaistvo Rossii [Grain economy of Russia], 2013, no. 2, pp. 47–51 (in Russian).

27. Nikonchik P. I. Organic substance balance in the soil in different-type crop rotations. Vestsi Natsyyanal’nai aka-demii navuk Belarusi. Seryya agrarnykh navuk = Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian series, 2007, no. 2, pp. 39–46 (in Russian).

28. Skirukha A. Ch., Gribanov L. N., Usenya A. A. Root and plant residues in crop rotation as a reserve for increasing the content of basic elements of mineral nutrition in soil. Zemledelie i selektsiya v Belarusi: sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Agriculture and Plant Breeding in Belarus: a collection of scientific papers]. Minsk, 2017, no. 53, pp. 13–19 (in Russian).


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ISSN 1817-7239 (Online)