About the Authors
V. V. AzarenkoBelarus
Corresponding Member, Ph.D. (Engineering), Associate Professor. Departrment of Agrarian Siences
A. L. Misun
Postgraduate Student
A. L. Misun
Postgraduate Student
1. Misun L.V., Ageychik V.A., Misun A.L., Gurina A.N., Misun A.L. Organizatsionno-tekhnicheskie meropriyatiya dlya povysheniya bezopasnosti i uluchsheniya usloviy truda operatorov mobil’noy sel’skokhozyaystvennoy tekhniki [Organizational and technical measures to improve safety and working conditions of operators of mobile agricultural machinery]. Minsk, BSATU, 2012. 192 p. (In Russian).
2. Misun L.V., Azarenko V.V., Ageychik V.A., Gurina A.N., Misun Al-y L., Misun Al-r L. Issledovanie bezopasnosti funktsionirovaniya sistemy «operator – mashina – sreda» v agroproizvodstve [Research of safety of the system «Operator – equipment – environment» in the agricultural production branch]. Agropanorama [Agropanorama], 2012, no. 2, pp. 32–35. (In Russian).
3. Misun L.V., Gurina A.N., Misun Al-y L., Misun Al-r L. Professional’nyy otbor operatorov mobil’noy sel’skokhozyaystvennoy tekhniki kak metod preduprezhdeniya proizvodstvennogo travmatizma v APK [Professional selection of mobile agricultural machinery operators as a method of preventing workplace injuries in agro-industrial complex]. Agropanorama [Agropanorama], 2011, no. 5, pp. 45–48. (In Russian).
4. Granaturov V.M. Ekonomicheskiy risk: sushchnost’, metody izmereniya, puti snizheniya [Economic risk: essence, methods of measurement, ways of reduction]. Moscow, Delo i servis Publ., 1999. 112 p. (In Russian).
5. Golovach E.P. Upravlenie ustoychivost’yu i riskami v proizvodstvennykh sistemakh [Stability and risk management in production systems]. Brest, Brest State Technical University, 2001. 273 p. (In Russian).
6. Khokhlov N.V. Upravlenie riskom [Risk management]. Moscow, UNITI Publ., 1999. 239 p. (In Russian).
7. Buyanov V.P., Kirsanov K.A., Mikhaylov L.A. Riskologiya [Risk management]. Moscow, Ekzamen Publ., 2002. 382 p. (In Russian).
8. Vikhrov A.I., Semenov V.G. Radiatsionnyy risk v probleme obespecheniya bezopasnosti [Radiation risk in the problem of security ]. Meditsinskaya radiologiya i radiatsionnaya bezopasnost’ [Medical Radiology and Radiation Safety], 2001, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 5–16. (In Russian).
9. Laskavnev V.P. Upravlenie okhranoy truda v svete trebovaniy mezhdunarodnykh standartov [Management of labor protection in light of the requirements of international standards]. Okhrana truda i sotsial’naya zashchita [Labor protection and social protection], 2005, no. 5, pp. 4–9. (In Russian).
10. Rymkevich V.V. Ekonomicheskaya teoriya riskov [Economic risk theory]. Minsk, BSEU, 2001. 207 p. (In Russian).
11. Shameshev S.N. Ekonomicheskie mekhanizmy upravleniya riskami v tekhnogennoy sfere [Economic mechanisms of risk management in the technogenic sphere]. Grazhdanskaya zashchita [Civil Protection], 2007, no. 5, pp. 44–45. (In Russian).
12. Bulavka Yu.A. Analiz proizvodstvennogo travmatizma na neftepererabatyvayushchem predpriyatii [The analysis of industrial injuries at the oil refinery]. Vestnik Polotskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya V. Promyshlennost’. Prikladnye nauki [Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Series B. Industry. Applied Science]. 2011, no. 3, pp. 130–137. (In Russian).
13. Roik V.D. Professional’nyy risk: otsenka i upravlenie [Professional risk: assessment and management]. Moscow, Ankil Publ., 2004. 222 p. (In Russian).
14. Vorob’ev Yu. Osnovnye napravleniya gosudarstvennoy strategii upravleniya riskami na poroge XXI veka [The main directions of the state strategy of risk management on the threshold of the XXI century]. Grazhdanskaya zashchita [Civil Protection], 2001, no. 6, pp. 28–33. (In Russian).
15. Asaenok I.S., Kucheneva E.E. Sovershenstvovanie sistemy upravleniya bezopasnost’yu truda na khimicheski opasnykh ob"ektakh [Improvement of control system of labor safety on chemically dangerous objects]. Vestnik Belorussko-Rossiyskogo universiteta [Bulletin of the Belarusian-Russian University], 2009, no. 2, pp. 177–186. (In Russian).
16. Misun L.V., Gurina A.N. Professional’naya uspeshnost’ i bezopasnost’ operatorov mobil’noy sel’skokhozyaystvennoy tekhniki: psikhofiziologicheskiy otbor i prognozirovanie [Professional success and safety of mobile agricultural machinery operators: psychophysiological selection and forecast]. Minsk, BSATU, 2013. 172 p. (In Russian).
17. Azarenko V.V., Misun A.L., Larichev A.Yu. Nauchno-metodicheskoe obespechenie issledovaniy bezopasnosti uprav leniya tekhnologicheskimi operatsiyami na klyukvennom cheke [Scientific and methodological support of studies of technological operations management safety on a cranberry check]. Mekhanizatsiya i elektrifikatsiya sel’skogo khozyaystva : mezh vedomstvennyy tematicheskiy sbornik [Mechanization and electrification of agriculture: interagency thematic collection]. Minsk, 2015, no. 49, pp. 262–273. (In Russian).
18. Misun A.L. Upravlenie urovnem professional’nykh riskov v promyshlennom vyrashchivanii klyukvy [Management of the level of professional risks in the industrial cultivation of cranberries]. Mekhanizatsiya i elektrifikatsiya sel’skogo khozyaystva: mezhvedomstvennyy tematicheskiy sbornik [Mechanization and electrification of agriculture: interagency thematic collection]. Minsk, 2016, no. 50, pp. 128–134. (In Russian).
19. Makarov P.V. Ekspertnye metody kolichestvennoy otsenki usloviy truda kak odna iz osnov sistemy menedzhmenta bezopasnosti i gigieny truda [Expert methods of quantitative assessment of working conditions as one of the basis of the occupational safety and health management system]. Materialy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii “Aktual’nye problemy okhrany truda: upravlenie professional’nymi riskami”, Perm’, 13–14 noyabrya 2007 g. [Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Actual problems of labor protection: management of occupational risks”, Perm, 13–14 November 2007]. Permian, 2007, pp. 162–167. (In Russian).
20. Misun A.L. Prognoziruemaya travmoopasnost’ pri vosstanovlenii rabotosposobnosti kormouborochnykh kombaynov [Predicted injury risk at maintenance of forage harvesters]. Vestnik Polotskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya V. Promyshlennost’. Prikladnye nauki [Bulletin of Polotsk State University. Series B. Industry. Applied Science], 2016, no. 3, pp. 179–184. (In Russian).
21. Azarenko V.V., Misun A.L., Utenkov A.P. Analiz metodov otsenki i napravleniya povysheniya bezopasnosti truda na uborke kormovykh kul’tur [Analysis of the methods of assessment and direction of the improvement of labor safety at fodder crops harvesting]. Aktual’nye voprosy innovatsionnogo razvitiya agropromyshlennogo kompleksa: materialy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii, 28–29 yanvarya 2016 g., g. Kursk [Actual issues of innovative development of the agro-industrial complex: materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, January 28– 29 2016, the city of Kursk]. Kursk, 2016, pt. 2, pp. 265–268. (In Russian).
22. Ageychik V.A., Misun Al-r L., Misun Al-y L. Uluchshenie usloviy i povyshenie bezopasnosti truda operatora mo-bil’noy sel’skokhozyaystvennoy tekhniki [Improvement of conditions and increase of labor safety of an agricultural machinery operator]. Agropanorama [Agropanorama], 2011, no. 1, pp. 44–48. (In Russian).