
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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Fiber flax is of a great economic importance for the national economy of Belarus. Analysis of the world market situation for natural fibers shows that flax farming remains a profitable industry of the modern agriculture and does not depend on the model and level of economic development of the flax seeding country. There is a steady increase in the Republic of Belarus in the volume of linen fabrics consumption, produced from high numbers of linen yarns. A large volume of the Belarusian flax is exported as raw material and semi-finished products to countries processing the Belarusian low-quality products and ensuring the competitiveness of their finished linen products due to the low purchase price in our country. It is possible to obtain high quality flax products and ensure its cost-effective sales by all the levels of flax farming industry in the market conditions in domestic and foreign markets only by taking flax farming to a modern technological level by re-equipment and improvement of production conditions. Currently a new concept has been formed in production and use of natural fibers, including flax. The article shows values and aspects of fiber flax domestic varieties in order to have stable production increase of high quality flax straw and flax fiber. Estimation and aspects for improvement of these values is given by using the latest flax cultivation techniques, allowing to increase fiber flax production without increasing the production areas.

About the Author

I. A. Golub
The Institute of Flax
Corresponding Member, Ph.D. (Agricurtural)


1. Gusakov V., Azarenko V., Golub I., Chebotarev V., Il’ina Z. L’nyanoy kompleks: prichiny ubytochnosti i mekhanizm povysheniya effektivnosti [Linen complex: reasons for losses and mechanism for increasing efficiency]. Agrarnaya ekonomika [Agrarian Economics], 2010, no. 5, pp. 35–39. (In Russian).

2. Ponazhev V.P. Sostoyanie i perspektivy resheniya problem nauchnogo obespecheniya proizvodstva konkurentosposobnoy produktsii l’na-dolguntsa [State and prospects of solving the problems of scientific support to the production of competitive fiber flax products]. Intensifikatsiya mashinnykh tekhnologiy proizvodstva i pererabotki l’noproduktsii: materialy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii (g. Tver’, 15–16 iyulya 2004 g.) [Intensification of machine technologies for production and processing of flax products: materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, Tver, July 15–16, 2004]. Tver, 2004, pt. 2, pp. 113–116. (In Russian).

3. Golub I.A., Chernushok A.Z. L’novodstvo Belarusi [Flax breeding in Belarus]. Borisov, Borisov Enlarged Printing House named after May 1, 2009. 243 p. (In Russian).

4. Kukresh L.V. Zarubezhnaya praktika v sel’skokhozyaystvennom proizvodstve respubliki [Foreign experience in the agricultural production of the Republic]. Vestsi Natsyyanal’nay akademii navuk Belarusi. Seryya agrarnykh navuk [Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Agrarian Series], 2010, no. 3, pp. 36–42. (In Russian).

5. Migas V., Nechay A. Formy i metody stimulirovaniya eksporta v Respubliki Belarus’ (s pozitsiy mirovogo opyta) [Forms and methods of export promotion in the Republic of Belarus (on the basis of the world experience)]. Belorusskiy zhurnal mezhdunarodnogo prava i mezhdunarodnykh otnosheniy [Belarusian Journal of International Law and International Relations], 2000, no. 3, pp. 78–84. (In Russian).

6. Il’ina Z.M., Batova N.N., Perevoznikov V.N. Rynok prodovol’stviya i syr’ya: 10. Len. 2-e izd. [Food and raw materials market: 10. Len. 2th ed.]. Minsk, 2005. 107 p. (In Russian).

7. Polonik S.S., Khorobrykh E.V., Litvinchuk A.A. O razvitii eksportnogo potentsiala Respubliki Belarus’ [Development of the export potential of Belarus]. Vestsi Natsyyanal’nay akademii navuk Belarusi. Seryya agrarnykh navuk [Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Agrarian Series], 2016, no. 1, pp. 13–23. (In Russian).

8. Gusakov E.V. Kontseptsiya sozdaniya i funktsionirovaniya klasternykh struktur v agrarnom komplekse [Concept of creation and operation of clusters in the agro-industrial complex]. Vestsi Natsyyanal’nay akademii navuk Belarusi. Seryya agrarnykh navuk [Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Agrarian Series], 2016, no. 3, pp. 19–25. (In Russian).

9. Gusakov V., Bel’skiy V., Shpak A. Problemy i perspektivy razvitiya l’nyanoy otrasli Belarusi [Problems and prospects of the development of flax industry in Belarus]. Agrarnaya ekonomika [Agrarian Economics], 2011, no. 9, pp. 30–37. (In Russian).

10. Golub I.A. Nauchnoe obespechenie l’nyanoy otrasli v Respublike Belarus’ [Scientific support of flax industry in the Republic of Belarus]. Zemledelie i zashchita rasteniy [Agriculture and Plant Protection], 2015, no. 6, pp. 49–51. (In Russian).

11. Samsonov V., Batova N. Aspekty povysheniya effektivnosti l’nyanogo podkompleksa [Aspects of increasing the efficiency of flax subsector]. Agroekonomika [Agricultural Economics], 2005, no. 10, pp. 28–30. (In Russian).

12. Gusakov V.G., Kotkovets N.N., Bel’skiy V.I., Il’ina Z.M., Batova N.N., Golub I.A., Samsonov V.P., Kozhanovskiy V.A., Shanbanovich G.N., Bogdan V.Z., Prudnikov V.A., Snopov A.N., Savel’ev N.S., Bachilo N.G., Perevoznikov V.N. Osnovnye napravleniya intensifikatsii proizvodstva i pererabotki l’na [The main directions of intensification of flax production and processing]. Minsk, 2007. 72 p. (In Russian).

13. Gusakov V., Bel’skiy V., Il’ina Z., Pilipuk A. Konkurentosposobnost’ i effektivnost’ l’nyanogo podkompleksa Belarusi: sistema mer [Competitiveness and effectiveness of the flax subsector of Belarus: system of measures]. Agrarnaya ekonomika [Agrarian Economics], 2010, no. 4, pp. 27–35. (In Russian).

14. Karpunin I.I., Golub I.A., Kazakevich P.P. Khimiya l’na i perspektivnye tekhnologii ego uglublennoy pererabotki [Chemistry of flax and advanced technologies for its in-depth processing]. Minsk, Belaruskaya navuka Publ., 2013. 96 p. (In Russian).

15. Efimenko A.G., Volkova E.V. Otsenka ekonomicheskogo potentsiala pererabatyvayushchikh predpriyatiy APK [Assessment the economic potential of processing enterprises of agro-industrial complex]. Vestsi Natsyyanal’nay akademii navuk Belarusi. Seryya agrarnykh navuk [Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Agrarian Series], 2015, no. 1, pp. 37–42. (In Russian).

16. Kazakevich P.P., Karpunin I.I., Golub I.A., Karpunin V.I. Sovershenstvovanie tekhnologiy proizvodstva i pererabotki l’na-dolguntsa i l’na maslichnogo [Improvement of the technologies for production and processing of fiber and oil flax]. Minsk, Belaruskaya navuka Publ., 2016. 184 p. (In Russian).

17. L’novodstvo Belarusi: sbornik nauchnykh statey [Flax breeding of Belarus: a collection of scientific articles], Institute of Flax of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Minsk, Belaruskaya navuka Publ., 2015. 211 p. (In Russian).

18. Samsonov V.P., Bogdan V.Z. Sort – vazhneyshiy faktor povysheniya effektivnosti l’novodstva [Variety – an important factor of flax growing efficiency increase]. Zemlyarobstva і akhova raslіn [Agriculture and Plant Protection], 2011, no. 6, pp. 78–80. (In Russian).

19. Polyakov A.V. Biotekhnologiya v selektsii l’na. Izd. 2-e [Biotechnology in flax breeding. 2th ed.]. Moscow, 2010. 201 p. (In Russian).

20. Andronik E.L., Polonetskaya L.M. Analiz genotipicheskoy izmenchivosti priznakov produktivnosti volokna u sortov l’na-dolguntsa (Linumusitatissimum L.) [Analysis of the genotypic variability of fiber productivity features in fiber flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) cultivars]. Vestsi Natsyyanal’nay akademii navuk Belarusi. Seryya agrarnykh navuk [Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Agrarian Series], 2007, no. 3, pp. 32–35. (In Russian).

21. Golub I.A., Snopov A.N., Rubanik A.N., Samsonov V.P., Kukresh S.P., Prudnikov V.A., Panifedova L.M., Bogdan V.Z., Drabut’ko I.E., Ivashko L.V., Kozhanovskiy V.A., Kukresh-Khodyankova S.F., Shanbanovich G.N., Shipko P.I. Len Belarusi [Flax of Belarus]. Minsk, 2003. 245 p. (In Russian).

22. Golub I.A. Belorusskiy len – realii i perspektivy [Belorussian flax – realities and prospects]. Mogilev, 2007. 76 p. (In Russian).

23. Pestis M.V., Shintar’ I.M., Pestis P.V. Sostoyanie i perspektivy proizvodstva i pererabotki l’na v usloviyakh Grodnenskoy oblasti [State and prospects of production and processing of flax in the conditions of Grodno region]. Grodno, Grodno State Agrarian University, 2011. 167 p. (In Russian).

24. Il’ina Z., Perevoznikov V. Len Belarusi: k voprosu innovatsionnogo razvitiya otrasli [Flax of Belarus: to the issue of innovative development of the branch]. Agrarnaya ekonomika [Agrarian Economics], 2007, no. 8, pp. 2–6. (In Russian).

25. Golub I.A. Innovatsionnye razrabotki – l’novodstvu [Innovative developments to flax growing]. Zemledelie i zashchita rasteniy [Agriculture and Plant Protection], 2016, suppl. 3, pp. 29–30. (In Russian).

26. Bogacheva O. Strategicheskaya kul’tura [Strategic crop]. Ekonomika Belarusi [Economy of Belarus], 2013, no. 3, pp. 86–90. (In Russian).

27. Il’ina Z.M., Bel’skiy V.I., Perevoznikov N.V. Problemy i perspektivy razvitiya l’novodstva [Problems and prospects for flax cultivation]. Vestsi Natsyyanal’nay akademii navuk Belarusi. Seryya agrarnykh navuk [Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Agrarian Series], 2006, no. 4, pp. 26–36. (In Russian).


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ISSN 1817-7204 (Print)
ISSN 1817-7239 (Online)