About the Authors
V. F. LitvinovBelarus
Ph.D. (Veterinary), Associate Professor
N. A. Kovaliov
Academician, D.Sc. (Veterinary), Profossor
D. A. Podeshvelev
Ph.D. (Veterinary)
P. A. Krasochko
D.Sc. (Veterinary), D.Sc. (Biological), Profossor
1. Anisimova E.I., Sidorovich V.E. Gel’mintozy kun’ikh i zakonomernosti ikh formirovaniya v Belarusi [Helminthiases of mustelids and regularities of their formation in Belarus]. Strukturno-funktsional’noe sostoyanie biologicheskogo raznoobraziya zhivotnogo mira Belarusi: tezisy dokladov VIII zoologicheskoy nauchnoy konferentsii [Structural and functional state of the biological diversity of the animal world of Belarus: abstracts of the VIII zoological scientific conference]. Minsk, 1999, pp. 361–362. (In Russian).
2. Arnastauskene T.V., Kazlauskas Yu.Yu. Struktura prirodnykh soobshchestv endoparazitov dikikh kopytnykh i khishchnikov Litovskoy SSR [Structure of natural communities of endoparasites of wild ungulates and predators of the Lithuanian SSR]. Parazitotsenozy dikikh i domashnikh zhivotnykh Belorussii: materialy dokladov II Respublikanskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii, 23–24 maya 1985 g. [Parasitocenosis of wild and domestic animals of Belarus: materials of the reports of the II Republican scientific and practical conference, May 23–24, 1985]. Minsk, 1987, pp. 101–107. (In Russian).
3. Litvinov V.F. Parazitotsenozy dikikh zhivotnykh [Parasitocenoses of wild animals]. Minsk, Belarusian State Technological University, 2007. 581 p. (In Russian).
4. Karasev N.F. K izucheniyu gel’mintofauny rysi v Berezinskom zapovednike [To the study of helminth fauna of the lynx in the Berezinsky Reserve]. Materialy nauchnoy konferentsii Vsesoyuznogo obshchestva gel’mintologov, 9–12 dekabrya 1963 g. [Proceedings of the scientific conference of the All-Union Society of Helminthologists, December 9–12, 1963]. Moscow, 1963, pt. 1, pp. 125–126. (In Russian).
5. Karaseu M.F. Da vyvuchennya gel’mintafauny yanotapadobnay sabaki u Byarezinskim dzyarzhzapovedniku [To the study of helminth fauna of the raccoon dog in the Berezinsky reserve].Vestsi Akademii navuk BSSR. Seryya biyalagichnyh navuk [Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR. Series of biological sciences], 1965, no. 1, pp. 124–127. (In Belarusian).
6. Karasev N.F. Gel’minty mlekopitayushchikh Berezinskogo zapovednika [Helminths of the mammals of the Berezinsky Reserve]. Berezinskiy zapovednik: issledovaniya [Berezinsky nature reserve: research]. Minsk, 1970, no. 1, pp. 155–179. (In Russian).
7. Karasev N.F. Ekologicheskiy analiz gel’mintofauny mlekopitayushchikh Berezinskogo zapovednika [Ecological analysis of helminth fauna of the mammals of the Berezinsky Reserve]. Berezinskiy zapovednik: issledovaniya [Berezinsky nature reserve: research]. Minsk, 1972, no. 2, pp. 159–181. (In Russian).
8. Karasev N.F. Rol’ zapovednykh territoriy v izuchenii parazitotsenozov zhivotnykh [The role of protected areas in the study of parasitocenoses of animals]. Sostoyanie prirodnykh kompleksov Belovezhskoy pushchi i drugikh zapovednykh territoriy, ikh izuchenie i okhrana: materialy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii, 19–21 dekabrya 1989 g. [State of nature facilities of the Belovezhskaya Pushcha and other protected areas, their study and protection: materials of the scientific and practical conference, December 19–21, 1989]. Minsk, 1990, pp. 206–207. (In Russian).
9. Shimalov V.T. K izucheniyu nematod khishchnykh mlekopitayushchikh Belorussii [To the study of nematodes of carnivorous mammals of Belarus]. Vtoraya zoologicheskaya konferentsiya Belorusskoy SSR: tezisy dokladov, oktyabr’ 1962 g. [The Second zoological conference of the Byelorussian SSR: abstracts, October 1962]. Minsk, 1962, pp. 197. (In Russian).
10. Shimalov V.T., Shimalov V.V., Savitskiy B.P. Gel’mintotsenozy psovykh v Belorussii [Helminthocenoses of canines in Belarus]. Dinamika zootsenozov, problemy okhrany i ratsional’nogo ispol’zovaniya zhivotnogo mira Belarusi: tezisy dokladov VI zoologicheskoy konferentsii, Vitebsk, 19–21 sentyabrya 1989 g. [Dynamics of zoocenoses, problems of conservation and rational use of wildlife in Belarus: abstracts of the VI zoological conference, Vitebsk, September 19–21, 1989]. Minsk, 1989, pp. 189–190. (In Russian).
11. Litvinov V.F. Parazitotsenozy i bolezni dikikh zhivotnykh Berezinskogo zapovednika [Parasitocenoses and diseases of wild animals of the Berezinsky Reserve]. Parazitotsenozy dikikh i domashnikh mlekopitayushchikh Belorussii: materialy dokladov Respublikanskoy konferentsii, 27–28 maya 1982 g. [Parasitocenoses of wild and domestic mammals of Belarus: materials of reports of the Republican Conference, May 27–28, 1982]. Minsk, 1984, pp. 26–31. (In Russian).
12. Litvinov V.F., Buzo O.L. Gel’mintologicheskaya otsenka lesookhotnich’ikh ugodiy Belorusskogo Poozer’ya [Helminthological assessment of forest-hunting lands of the Byelorussian Poozerie]. Sovremennye problemy obshchey, meditsinskoy i veterinarnoy parazitologii: trudy IV Mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii [Modern problems of general, medical and veterinary parasitology: proceedings of the IV International scientific conference]. Vitebsk, 2004, pp. 50–55. (In Russian).
13. Litvinov V.F., Samsanovich V.A., Krasochko P.A., Podoshvelev D.A. Rekomendatsii po vedeniyu parazitotsenologicheskogo monitoringa populyatsiy okhotnich’ikh zhivotnykh v Belarusi [Recommendations for parasitocenological monitoring of hunting animals in Belarus]. Minsk, 2015. 36 p. (In Russian).
14. Lipnitskiy S.S., Litvinov V.F., Karasev N.F. Fauna gel’mintov zhivotnykh Respubliki Belarus’ [Fauna of animal helminths of the Republic of Belarus]. Strukturno-funktsional’noe sostoyanie biologicheskogo raznoobraziya zhivotnogo mira Belarusi: tezisy dokladov VIII zoologicheskoy nauchnoy konferentsii [Structural and functional state of the biological diversity of the animal world of Belarus: abstracts of the VIII zoological scientific conference]. Minsk, 1999, pp. 397–398. (In Russian).
15. Kochko Yu.P. Gel’mintofauna dikikh kopytnykh Belovezhskoy pushchi [Helminth fauna of wild ungulates of the Belovezhskaya Pushcha]. Dinamika zootsenozov, problemy okhrany i ratsional’nogo ispol’zovaniya zhivotnogo mira Belarusi: tezisy dokladov VI zoologicheskoy konferentsii, Vitebsk, 19–21 sentyabrya 1989 g. [Dynamics of zoocenoses, problems of conservation and rational use of wildlife in Belarus: abstracts of the VI zoological conference, Vitebsk, September 19–21, 1989]. Minsk, 1989, pp. 161–162. (In Russian).
16. Kochko Yu.P. Trematodoznye invazii dikikh kopytnykh Belovezhskoy Pushchi [Trematoda infections of wild ungulates of the Belovezhskaya Pushcha]. Strukturno-funktsional’noe sostoyanie biologicheskogo raznoobraziya zhivotnogo mira Belarusi: tezisy dokladov VIII zoologicheskoy nauchnoy konferentsii [Structural and functional state of the biological diversity of the animal world of Belarus: abstracts of the VIII zoological scientific conference]. Minsk, 1999, pp. 387–388. (In Russian).
17. Pen’kevich V.A. Gel’minty i gel’mintozy dikogo kabana [Helminths and helminthoses of the wild boar]. Veterinarnaya nauka – proizvodstvu: nauchnye trudy [Veterinary science to production: scientific works]. Minsk, 1998, no. 33, pp. 151–158. (In Russian).
18. Pen’kevich V.A. Parazity dikoy svin’i Belarusi [Parasites of the wild pig of Belarus]. Veterinariya [Veterinary Medicine], 1999, no. 9, pp. 30–33. (In Russian).
19. Subbotin A.M. Gel’mintozy zhivotnykh Belarusi (parnokopytnye plotoyadnye), ikh lechenie i vliyanie na mikrotsenoz organizma khozyaina [Helminthoses of the animals of Belarus (cloven-hoofed carnivores), their treatment and in-fluence on microcenosis of host organism]. Vitebsk, Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine, 2010. 208 p. (In Russian).
20. Litvenkova E.A. Koktsidii dikikh mlekopitayushchikh Belorusskogo Poozer’ya [Coccidia of wild mammals of the Byelorussian Poozerie]. Parazitotsenozy dikikh i domashnikh mlekopitayushchikh Belorussii: materialy dokladov Respublikanskoy konferentsii, 27–28 maya 1982 g. [Parasitocenoses of wild and domestic mammals of Belarus: materials of reports of the Republican Conference, May 27–28, 1982]. Minsk, 1984, pp. 43–48. (In Russian).
21. Sidorovich V.E. Zakonomernosti formirovaniya gel’mintotsenozov kun’ikh v svyazi s osobennostyami ikh pros-transtvenno-ekologicheskoy struktury [Regularities in the formation of helminthocenoses of mustelids in connection with the peculiarities of their spatial and ecological structure]. Kun’i v Belarusi: evolyutsionnaya biologiya, demografiya i bio-tsenoticheskie svyazi [Mustelids in Belarus: evolutionary biology, demography and biocenotic relations]. Minsk, 1997, pp. 204–206. (In Russian).
22. Yarvis T.Kh. Gel’mintozy kosul’ i ikh profilaktika v Estonskoy SSR [Helminthiases of roe deer and their prophylaxis in the Estonian SSR]. Parazitotsenozy dikikh i domashnikh mlekopitayushchikh Belorussii : materialy dokladov Respublikanskoy konferentsii, 27–28 maya 1982 g. [Parasitocenoses of wild and domestic mammals of Belarus: materials of reports of the Republican Conference, May 27–28, 1982]. Minsk, 1984, pp. 49–50. (In Russian).
23. Kovalev N.A., Krasochko P.A., Litvinov V.F. Mir mikroorganizmov v biosphere [The world of microorganisms in biosphere]. Minsk, Belaruskaya navuka Publ., 2014. 531 p. (In Russian).
24. Fertikov V.I., Sonin M.D., Rykovskiy A.S., Egorov A.N. Gel’minty dikikh kopytnykh Natsional’nogo parka «Zavidovo» i lesnoy zony Rossii [Helminths of wild ungulates of the National Park "Zavidovo" and the forest zone of Russia]. Tver, 1999. 80 p. (In Russian).
25. Danilov D.N., Rusanov Ya.S., Rykovskiy A.S., Soldatkin E.I., Yurgenson P.B. Osnovy okhotoustroystva [Fundamentals of hunting]. Moscow, Lesnaya promyshlennost’ Publ., 1966. 330 p. (In Russian).
26. Yatusevich A.I., Litvinov V.F., Lipnitskiy S.S., Karasev N.F., Litvinov A.V. Opredelitel’ gel’mintov okhotnich’ikh mlekopitayushchikh Belarusi [Determinant of helminths of hunting mammals in Belarus]. Vitebsk, Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine, 2010. 226 p. (In Russian).
27. Panasyuk D.I., Filippov V.V., Radionov P.V. Problemy assotsiatsii gel’mintov, patogennykh prosteyshikh i mikroflory pri intensivnom vedenii zhivotnovodstva [Problems of association of helminths, pathogenic protozoa and microflora with intensive animal husbandry]. Moscow, All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Information and Technical and Economic Research in Agriculture, 1978. 52 p. (In Russian).
28. Panasyuk D.I. Zakonomernosti vzaimootnosheniy mezhdu sochlenami parazitotsenozov [Regularities in the relationship between members of parasitocenosis]. Parazitotsenozy dikikh i domashnikh mlekopitayushchikh Belorussii: ma-terialy dokladov Respublikanskoy konferentsii, 27–28 maya 1982 g. [Parasitocenoses of wild and domestic mammals of Belarus: materials of reports of the Republican Conference, May 27–28, 1982]. Minsk, 1984, pp. 4–13. (In Russian).