
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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Results of study of oxidation-reduction stability parameters of arable soils in Poland and sensitivity of various kinds of these soils to hydro-oxygen degradation are presented in the article. It is shown that oxidation-reduction stability, expressed by two temporal values t 400 and t 300 is an important property, measured by retention time Eh at the level of +400 mV (nitrate reduction) and +300 mV (ferric oxide reduction). These redox reactions perform as a buffer that slows the transition of waterlogged soils into anoxic state, and the oxides involved are natural accumulators of oxygen in soil environment. A model of parametrization of hydro-oxygen conditions of these soils has been created for conditions of washing water regime, taking into account correlation between these indicators and hydrophysical properties of arable soils. Some results of surveys of mineral arable soils in Poland are presented, characterizing the hydro-oxygenic conditions of soil. Thus, the average values of t 400 for soils with a temperature of +20 °C in the arable layer range from<1 to 1.5 days, in the sub-arable layer – from<1 to 3 days, in the subsoil – from<1 to 5 days; for t 300 – 0.5–4.5, 1.0–9.0, 1.0–12.0 days, respectively. For Tppw in the arable layer they reach 2.5–4.5 days, in the sub-arable layer – 3.0–8.0 days, and in the subsoil – 4.0–19.5 days [4]. The presented values are used to improve the calibration of drainage systems, taking into account the arable soils oxygen state adjustment with washing water regime. In conclusions the attention is paid to advisability of deepening knowledge of the oxygen regime of mineral arable soils, its agroecological significance and land reclamation. This adjustment should correspond to the modified paradigm of drainage reclamation, which means that the direct cause of the restriction of the vital activity of plants and soil biota is a lack of oxygen, but not the water excess in soil. Agroecological composite element of meliorative adjustment of oxygen regime of arable soils is the possibility of the soils protection from loss of fertility potential, which are nitrates, and also iron oxides – the natural accumulators of oxygen in soil environment, protecting it from anoxia in conditions of waterlogging. 

About the Author

J. Ostrowski
Institute for Technology and Natural Sciences
D.Sc. (Agricultural), Professor


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