About the Author
P. V. RastorgouevBelarus
Ph.D. (in Economics), Associate Professor
1. Gusakov V.G. Noveyshaya ekonomika i organizatsiya sel’skogo khozyaystva v usloviyakh stanovleniya rynka: nauchnyy poisk, problemy, resheniya [The newest economy and organization of agriculture in the conditions of market formation: scientific inquiry, problems, solutions]. Minsk, Belorusskaya nauka Publ., 2008. 431 p. (In Russian).
2. Shpak A., Kireenko N., Kondratenko S., Baygot L., Gusakov G. Osnovnye polozheniya Doktriny prodovol’stvennoy bezopasnosti Respubliki Belarus’ [The main provisions of the Food Security Doctrine of the Republic of Belarus]. Agrarnaya ekonomika [Agrarian Economics], 2017, no. 3, pp. 2–14. (In Russian).
3. Koreshkov V. Edinaya sistema tekhnicheskogo regulirovaniya v EAES – put’ k integratsii [Unified System of Technical Regulation in the EAEC – the Way to Integration]. Standarty i kachestvo [Standards and Quality], 2016, no. 5, pp. 6–11. (In Russian).
4. Kozhakhmet T.B., Vinogradova K.V. Uglublenie ekonomicheskikh otnosheniy EAES s tret’imi stranami i klyuchevymi integratsionnymi ob"edineniyami [Deepening of economic relations of the EAEC with third countries and key integration associations]. Standarty i kachestvo [Standards and Quality], 2016, no. 8, pp. 54–56. (In Russian).
5. Pochtovaya I.G. Normativnoe regulirovanie kachestva i bezopasnosti sel’skokhozyaystvennoy produktsii v Respublike Belarus’: tendentsii i osobennosti razvitiya [Normative regulation of the quality and safety of agricultural products in the Republic of Belarus: trends and features of the development]. Vesti Instituta predprinimatel’skoy deyatel’nosti [Proceedings of the Institute of Entrepreneurial Activity], 2015, no. 1, pp. 40–45. (In Russian).
6. Kachalov V.A. Preemstvennost’ – ozhidaemaya i realizovannaya osobennost’ standartov ISO [Continuity is an expected and implemented feature of ISO standards]. Standarty i kachestvo [Standards and Quality], 2015, no. 12, pp. 40–42. (In Russian).
7. Skripko L.E. ISO 9001:2015: problemy, kotorye nam predstoit reshat’ [ISO 9001: 2015: problems that we have to solve]. Metody menedzhmenta kachestva [Methods of Quality Management], 2015, no. 7, pp. 20–26. (In Russian).
8. Gusakov V.G., Samus’ V.A., Autko A.A., Bel’skiy V.I., Rastorgouev P.V. Organizatsionno-tekhnologicheskie normativy vozdelyvaniya ovoshchnykh, plodovykh, yagodnykh kul’tur i vyrashchivaniya posadochnogo materiala [Organizational and technological standards for the cultivation of vegetable, fruit, berry crops and growing planting material]. Minsk, Belorusskaya nauka Publ., 2010. 520 p. (In Russian).
9. Gusakov V.G., Prokopenko N.F., Kadyrov M.A., Rastorgouev P.V. Organizatsionno-tekhnologicheskie normativy vozdelyvaniya sel’skokhozyaystvennykh kul’tur [Organizational and technological standards for crop cultivation]. Minsk, Belorusskaya nauka Publ., 2005. 460 p. (In Russian).
10. Gusakov V.G., Popkov N.A., Sheyko I.P., Bel’skiy V.I., Rastorgouev P.V. Organizatsionno-tekhnologicheskie normativy proizvodstva produktsii zhivotnovodstva i zagotovki kormov [Organizational and technological standards for the production of animal products and fodder]. Minsk, Belorusskaya nauka Publ., 2007. 283 p. (In Russian).
11. Rastorgouev P.V. Metodologicheskie osnovy ekonomicheskogo mekhanizma regulirovaniya kachestva sel’skokhozyaystvennoy produktsii [Methodological bases of the economic mechanism for regulating the quality of agricultural products]. Ekonomicheskie voprosy razvitiya sel’skogo khozyaystva Belarusi: mezhvedomstvennyy tematicheskiy sbornik [Economic issues of agricultural development in Belarus: interagency thematic collections]. Minsk, 2005, no. 33, pp. 256–280. (In Russian).
12. Pochtovaya I.G. Metodologicheskie osnovy formirovaniya otraslevoy sistemy monitoringa kachestva i bezopasnosti moloka [Methodological bases of the formation of an industrial system for monitoring milk quality and safety]. Problemy ekonomiki: sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Problems of Economics: a collection of scientific papers]. Minsk, 2014 no. 1, pp. 124– 132. (In Russian).
13. Atroshchenko E.A., Slesareva L.I., Dereza E.I., Rastorgouev P.V., Gusakov V.G., Baygot L.N., Dayneko A.E., Prokopenko N.F., Smol’skaya R.G. Kachestvo, standartizatsiya i sertifikatsiya v APK [Quality, standardization and certification in the agro-industrial complex]. Minsk, Belarusian Research Institute of Agrarian Economics, 2000. 241 p. (In Russian).
14. Rastorgouev P.V. Sovershenstvovanie teoreticheskikh osnov otsenki effektivnosti mekhanizma upravleniya kachestvom produktsii APK [Improvement of theoretical bases of the efficiency estimation of the mechanism of agricultural products quality management]. Nauchno-tekhnologicheskoe razvitie APK: problemy i perspektivy : Nikonovskie chteniya – 2016: ma-terialy XXI mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii, 18–19 oktyabrya 2016 g. [Scientific and technological development of the agro-industrial complex: problems and prospects: Nikon readings – 2016: materials of the XXI International Scientific and Practical Conference, October 18–19, 2016]. Moscow, 2016, pp. 328–330. (In Russian).
15. Rastorgouev P.V., Pochtovaya I.G., Rastorgoueva E.A. Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po formirovaniyu sistemy edinykh ekonomicheskikh pokazateley kachestva sel’skokhozyaystvennoy produktsii i gotovogo prodovol’stviya v ramkakh Edinogo ekonomicheskogo prostranstva [Methodological recommendations for the formation of the system of unified economic indicators of the quality of agricultural products and finished food within the Common Free Market Zone]. Minsk, the Institute of System Research in Agro-Industrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus 2016. 42 p. (In Russian).
16. Gusakov V. Sistema osnovnykh faktorov razvitiya ekonomiki Respubliki Belarus’ [System of the main factors of economic development in the Republic of Belarus]. Nauka i innovatsii [Science and Innovations], 2015, no. 7, pp. 10–15. (In Russian).
17. Dunchenko N.I. Nauchnoe obespechenie upravleniya bezopasnost’yu i kachestvom pishchevykh produktov [Scientific support of food safety and quality management]. Prakticheskie i teoreticheskie aspekty kompleksnoy pererabotki prodovol’st-vennogo syr’ya i sozdaniya konkurentosposobnykh produktov pitaniya – osnova obespecheniya importozameshcheniya i pro-dovol’stvennoy bezopasnosti Rossii: 19 mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya, 8–9 dekabrya [Practical and theoretical aspects of complex processing of food raw materials and creation of competitive food products – the basis for ensuring import substitution and food security in Russia: 19th International Scientific and Practical Conference, December 8–9]. Moscow, 2016, pp. 119–120. (In Russian).
18. Prokopenko N.F., Naumik S.I., Slesareva L.I. Upravlenie kachestvom i standartizatsiya v APK [Quality management and standardization in agro-industrial complex]. Minsk, Uradzhay Publ., 1991. 295 p. (In Russian).
19. Ignat’eva S.S. Aktual’nye voprosy menedzhmenta kachestva produktsii APK v ramkakh mezhdunarodnykh torgovykh otnosheniy [Actual problems of management quality of the agricultural products in international trade relations]. Vestnik Saratovskogo gosagrouniversiteta im. N. I. Vavilova [Bulletin of the Saratov State Vavilov Agrarian University], 2013, no. 8, pp. 86–89. (In Russian).
20. Rastorgouev P.V. Osobennosti otsenki effektivnosti metodov i mekhanizmov upravleniya kachestvom produktsii v sel’skom khozyaystve [Features of the evaluation of the efficiency of methods and mechanisms of product quality management in agriculture]. Razvitie biznesa v agrarnom sektore ekonomiki Respubliki Belarus’: materialy XI mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii, Minsk, 13–14 oktyabrya 2016 g. [Business development in the agrarian sector of the economy of the Republic of Belarus: materials of the XI International scientific and practical conference, Minsk, October 13–14, 2016]. Minsk, 2017, pp. 178–181. (In Russian).
21. Bel’skiy V.I. Voprosy razvitiya sel’skogo khozyaystva Belarusi v kontekste tendentsiy transgranichnogo rynka agroprodovol’stvennoy produktsii [Issues of agriculture development in Belarus in the context of trans-boundary market of agrofood products]. Vestsi Natsyyanal’nay akademii navuk Belarusi. Seryya agrarnykh navuk [Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Agrarian series], 2017, no. 1, pp. 32–41. (In Russian).