
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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Efficient application of methods and mechanisms for agricultural products quality management requires timely, accurate and objective assessment of the functioning results. Insufficient level of methodology development for solving this problem in respect to conditions of the AIC in Belarus determines the need for outlining appropriate theoretical and methodological approaches. The article dwells on the problems of formation of scientifically substantiated assessment of agricultural products quality and safety management in the Republic of Belarus. The essence of the principles system is revealed for assessing the efficiency of quality management mechanism and its separate elements, aimed at obtaining reliable results. The main functions of quality management efficiency assessment are determined and considered, which specify the essence and purpose of its development. Peculiarities for assessment of efficiency of methods and mechanisms for products quality management in agriculture are presented. The essence, the main stages and elements of the quality management efficiency estimation mechanism in agriculture are specified. Development of scientifically substantiated proposals and recommendations for eliminating the revealed violations and drawbacks, improvement of the quality management system is proposed as the final stage for assessment of the quality management. The above mentioned theoretical aspects for assessment of methods and mechanisms efficiency for agricultural products quality management are fundamental basis for development of methodology of this process aimed at formation of scientifically substantiated, reliable assessment of efficiency of quality and safety management system for agricultural products at all the administration levels of the AIC in Belarus.

About the Author

P. V. Rastorgouev
Institute of System Research in Agro-Industrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Ph.D. (in Economics), Associate Professor


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ISSN 1817-7239 (Online)