
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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Currently the Republic of Belarus is entering a new level of solving problems in the field of national food security. It is required to maintain a high level of self-sufficiency, to create conditions for improving population nutrition quality, to ensure demand for Belarusian products in foreign markets, integration into the world market, etc. The article presents conceptual provisions, goals and objectives of the long-term strategy of the Republic of Belarus in the field of food security, and also analyzes the mechanisms for their implementation. These provisions form the basis of the Doctrine of National Food Security of the Republic of Belarus till 2030, which is to provide a fundamental basis for improving the welfare of population and availability of quality food for healthy nutrition and healthy lifestyle based on sustainable competitive agricultural production and creation of favorable social and economic conditions. The results of monitoring of the national food security in 2016 are presented, significant trends and factors of physical and economic accessibility of food products are identified. Mechanisms for achieving the goals and objectives of the national food security development are proposed, including mechanism for identifying, assessing and anticipating threats, regulatory support, as well as management and regulation ensuring implementation of target criteria at the national, regional and local levels. Implementation of the obtained results will allow to create stable prerequisites for the development of agro-industrial complex in the conditions of unstable external environment conditions, to strengthen food security and independence of the country.

About the Authors

A. P. Shpak
Institute of System Researches in Agrarian and Industrial Complex of the NAS of Belarus
Ph.D. (Economic), Professor

N. V. Kireyenka
Institute of System Researches in Agrarian and Industrial Complex of the NAS of Belarus
Ph.D. (Economic), Associate Professor

S. A. Каndratsenka
Institute of System Researches in Agrarian and Industrial Complex of the NAS of Belarus
Ph.D. (Economic), Associate Professor


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2. Gusakov V.G., Shpak A.P., Nizhevich L.I., Lomakina A.L., Kireenko N.V., Kondratenko S.A., Baygot L.N., Baygot M.S., Kazakevich I.A., Batova N.N., Akhramovich V.S., Verokha L.M., Gusakov G.V., Gusakova I.V., Enchik L.T., Karpovich N.V., Kuz’mich L.I.; Lobanova L.A., Makutsenya E.P., Mitskevich S.M., Pashkevich D.S., Svistun O.V., Steshits O.V., Shabunya L.V. Prodovol’stvennaya bezopasnost’ Respubliki Belarus’ v usloviyakh funktsionirovaniya Evraziyskogo ekonomicheskogo soyuza. Monitoring-2015 [Food security of the Republic of Belarus in the conditions of functioning of the Eurasian Economic Union. Monitoring-2015]. Minsk, The Institute of System Research in Agro-industrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 2016, vol. 2. 141 p. (In Russian).

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