
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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In modern conditions of dynamic development of the market environment, deployment of informatization and globalization processes, and tightening of economic confrontation of companies, development of framework conditions for efficient competition and ensuring on this basis the current and long-term business competitiveness takes on particular significance. Competitive policy plays a significant role for solving this problem, which under modern economic conditions is one of the most important tools for economic processes state management aimed at formation and development of highly efficient economy with a significant growth potential and allowing to solve the whole range of social and economic problems. The results of studying the foreign experience in development and nature of the main provisions of antimonopoly and competition laws are presented in the article, and the main stages of its evolution are outlined. It was determined that qualitative changes in the world economy, active globalization and in-formatization processes, development of new economy and network structures had a significant impact on the modern model of competition policy. The key aspects of competition economic policy formation in the regional integration countries unions (EU, APEC, NAFTA, OECD, CIS, EAEU, etc.) are highlighted. It was determined that the EU legislation was considered one of the best examples of efficient international competition law. The main directions of the EU’s competition policy and peculiarities of its promotion to other countries were revealed; peculiarities of developing a single competitive economic policy within the framework of EAEU were studied. The conducted researches allowed to determine that processes in the world economy had a significant impact on competition law, which during its formation has undergone significant changes, had become more flexible and targeted and acquired systemic character. Systematic study of the world experience, the EU’s experience first of all, is obviously of a great interest for the Republic of Belarus with the market economy at the stage of active formation, as well as the corresponding policy for competition and competitiveness support. Learning this experience is important for successful integration of the country into the European and Global trade and economic area. The theoretical basis of the modern competition policy is formed by a number of conceptual approaches, which have to be learned to understand its key characteristics and accents, directions and methods, and also to predict the forms of its further modernization.

About the Author

N. N. Batova
Institute of Economics, the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Ph.D. (Economic)


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