
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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The most popular grain crop among consumers is wheat and products based on wheat, and the most useful and good for health are the oats processed products. Sprouting of grains – is one of innovative ways to improve their biological value. The aim of research – to obtain a new grain product based on mixes of sprouted wheat and hulless oat. The analysis of grain quality and processing products was carried out by conventional methods. Physical and chemical parameters of quality, chemical composition and seed properties of high-quality hulless oat grain and food wheat grain were determined. Correspondence of the raw materials to requirements of TU 700 036 606.104–2013 “Cereals grain for sprouting” was confirmed. Evaluation of vitamins and amino acids levels in the grain raw materials was carried out. The process of wheat and hulless oats mixture sprouting in different ratios was studied. The perfect variants of wheat and hulless oats mixture sprouting are obtained. It was determined that with the increase of hulless oat content in the grain mixture, the total sprouting time decreases due to reduction of time for air-water breaks. Pilot tests for producing oat-wheat mixture of sprouted grains were performed. Its compliance with the requirements for quality and food safety was determined, and also high nutritional advantages were determined:
presence of dietary fiber, high level of vitamin and mineral complex and amino acids. The developed technology will allow to widen the assortment of functional purpose food products.

About the Authors

V. A. Sharshunov
Mogilev State University for Foodstuffs
Corresponding Member, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor

E. N. Urbanchik
Mogilev State University for Foodstuffs
octor o f P hilosophy (Engineering), Assistant Professor

A. E. Shalyuta
Mogilev State University for Foodstuffs
Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering)

M. N. Galdova
Mogilev State University for Foodstuffs
Postgraduate student


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