Recycling of slaughterhouse tankage as a source of feed products with high biological and nutritional properties
The paper examines modern approaches to the valorization of slaughterhouse tankage using biological and thermochemical processes to obtain alternative energy sources, as well as feed products with high biological and nutritional value to compensate for protein deficiency in livestock breeding. Particular attention is paid to the potential possibilities of using feed products from slaughterhouse tankage for ruminants, with low availability of their biological usefulness to proventriculus symbionts, as well as the possibilities of using endocrine raw materials for correction of metabolic processes in the body. It has been determined that the efficiency of meat processing plants should be determined by the completeness of processing of raw materials. Application of modern physical, chemical or biotechnological methods can contribute to the pro- cessing of waste by-products (food ingredients, biomaterials, pharmaceuticals, etc.), with obtaining added value, being an economically advantageous part of the production process. Creation of closed-cycle technologies of large-tonnage production processes for the processing of by-products of meat production (in particular, slaughterhouse tankage) can be a potential source of high-value feed products for the needs of animal husbandry, as well as contribute to reducing the negative impact on the environment. Recycling of slaughterhouse tankage should be considered as a permanent raw material source of feedstuff, while solving a number of environmental problems of utilization, which is of great scientific and practical importance.
About the Authors
A. V. MishurovRussian Federation
Aleksey V. Mishurov – Ph. D. (Agriculture), Senior Researcher
60, 142132, Dubrovitsy, Podolsk District, Moscow Region
V. N. Romanov
Russian Federation
Viktor N. Romanov – Ph. D. (Biology), Associate Professor, Leading Researcher
60, 142132, Dubrovitsy, Podolsk District, Moscow Region
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