Long-term storage of seeds of plant genetic resources in permafrost conditions
Collections of plant genetic resources are the guarantor of the preservation of both natural biological diversity and breeding achievements. Basically, genetic collections consist of seeds and, proper storage in optimal conditions is a necessity (it frees them from frequent reproduction associated with material and labor costs). It is necessary to search for optimal natural conditions for long-term storage of seeds, because in case of emergency situations of a technogenic nature, they will be the most vulnerable. A long-term experiment of long-term storage of agricultural plant seeds in permafrost conditions is being carried out. The aim of research is to find optimal and safe conditions for long-term storage of seeds and grain for both sowing and food purposes, and to study the conditions of natural storage facilities for creation of strategic reserves of seeds and food. In 2010, consignments of seeds of the main grain crops were put into storage (spring wheat, spring barley, winter rye and oats); in 2016, a seed collection of 26 varieties of 8 types of vegetable crops was laid. Meteorological observations were carried out, thermographs and hygrographs were used in the storage. The first sample extraction took place after 6 years of storage. Laboratory analysis of seed quality was carried out using the following standard methods: GOST 12036-85; GOST 12038-84; GOST 12041-82; GOST 12042-80; and GOST R 52325-2005. The results showed high viability of seeds of grain and vegetable crops. Seeds of all samples of grain crops met the requirements for reproductive seeds (germination over 87 %) according to GOST R 52325-2005. Seeds of 17 samples of vegetable crops retained germination at the first-class level in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12038-84. Long-term meteorological observations show a gradual warming of the Arctic climate due to relatively high summer temperatures. In general, the continentality of the climate is growing. The experiment continues, most of the above seed batches remain in storage, further expeditions with the extraction of samples are planned for 2025, 2035 and 2050. The obtained weather data indicate an increase in the continentality of the Arctic climate and its general warming. The data obtained on the viability of cereal grains and vegetable seeds during long-term storage show the effectiveness of using permafrost conditions for this purpose.
About the Authors
F. B. MusaevRussian Federation
Farkhad B. Musaev – Dr. Sc. (Agriculture), Leading Researcher
14, Selektsionnaya Str., village VNIISSOK, 143080, Odintsovo District, Moscow Region
S. L. Beletskiу
Russian Federation
Sergey L. Beletskiу – Ph. D. (Engineering), Associate Professor
20, Elektrozavodskaya Str., 107023, Moscow
V. V. Looze
Russian Federation
Valery V. Looze – Senior Researcher
40, Volo chaevskaya Str., 111033, Moscow
M. M. Tareeva
Russian Federation
Marina M. Tareeva – Ph. D. (Agriculture), Senior Researcher
14, Selektsionnaya Str., village VNIISSOK, 143080, Odintsovo District, Moscow Region
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