Application in confectionery creams of table beet extracts (Beta vulgaris L.) obtained using ultrasonic treatment
There is a trend towards healthy nutrition in the modern world, which causes consumers to favor natural ingredients isolated from plant raw materials. Traditional technologies used for obtaining food colorants have a number of disadvantages, so new methods are being developed – highly efficient, safe, and resource-saving. An innovative approach to the extraction of pigments is ultrasonic extraction (USE) in the medium of electrochemically activated aqueous solution (ECAS). Utilization of secondary raw materials in the form of production waste, such as root vegetable peels, is of particular interest. The aim of the work was to extract natural colorants from table beetroot by means of USE in metastable fractions of ECAS and to study the possibility of their introduction into the food system of confectionery cream. The coloring substances from table beet (Beta vulgaris L.) peel were extracted by ultrasound (power 24 W, ultrasound frequency 1.7 MHz, duration 60 min). The solvents used for pigment extraction were drinking water, oxidized (anolyte) and reduced (catholyte) fractions of ECAS; at the ratio of raw materials and solvent of 1 : 3 (by weight). Aqueous solutions of coloring substances extracted from table beet peel were obtained. The influence of the solvent on physicochemical indicators of the extract quality and organoleptic properties of the finished cream was studied. It is shown that USE in the oxidized fraction of ECAS affects the mass fraction of dry substances in the extract, and their addition to the cream for flour confectionery products at the ratio of 1 : 6 (ml/g) ensures the desired organoleptic indicators. The type of solvent (water, anolyte, catholyte) affects the content of soluble solids in the extract, the degree of extraction and the quality of the finished confectionery cream. Prospects of practical use of the research results are connected with the development of technology of extraction of natural coloring agents under gentle conditions, as well as the use of plant extracts in emulsion food systems in order to increase their nutritional value, attractiveness and replacement of synthetic colorants.
About the Authors
O. A. SuvorovRussian Federation
Oleg A. Suvorov – D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor of the Department of Food Industry, Hotel Business and Service, Russian Biotechnological University (ROSBIOTECH); Leading Researcher at the Laboratory of Functional Microscopy of Biostructures, Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
11, Volokolamskoe highway, 125080, Moscow,
3, Institutskaya, 142290, Pushchino, Moscow Region
V. V. Kashirskaya
Russian Federation
Vasilina V. Kashirskaya – Student of the Department of Food Industry, Hotel Business and Service
11, Volokolamskoe highway, 125080, Moscow
A. S. Vlasenko
Russian Federation
Alexey S. Vlasenko – Student of the Department of Food Industry, Hotel Business and Service
11, Volokolamskoe highway, 125080, Moscow
M. S. Safonov
Russian Federation
Maxim S. Safonov – Graduate Student of the Department of Food Industry, Hotel Business and Service of the Russian Biotechnological University (ROSBIOTECH); Junior Researcher at the Laboratory of Functional Microscopy of Biostructures, Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
11, Volokolamskoe highway, 125080, Moscow,
3, Institutskaya, 142290, Pushchino, Moscow Region
A. L. Kuznetsov
Russian Federation
Alexander L. Kuznetsov – Ph. D. (Engineering), Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of Functional Microscopy of Biostructures
3, Institutskaya, 142290, Pushchino, Moscow Region
M. A. Pogorelova
Russian Federation
Maria A. Pogorelova – Ph. D. (Biology), Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of Functional Microscopy of Biostructures
3, Institutskaya, 142290, Pushchino, Moscow Region
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