Methodological principles for creating an adaptive mechanical-information system for cow milking
The definition and methodological principles for creating an adaptive mechanical-information system for cow milking are provided, developed within the framework of the complex determined interaction of elements in the triune system of human-machine-animal. An iterative life cycle model of the adaptive control algorithm for the milking process is presented, implemented through the decomposition and aggregation of components and elements of the engineering object subsystem. Based on fluid mechanics theory, general principles of mathematical modeling of the milk extraction process are formulated, using standard mathematical functions to describe the dynamics of cow milk flow rate. Equations for the flow and volume of milk extracted per pulsation cycle are provided. The priority influence of the duration and ratio of cycles on milk flow rate intensity, compared to the magnitude of vacuum pressure, is substantiated. Based on the developed model, an analysis of specific production situations related to the peculiarities of physiological processes and ethological reactions of animals is conducted. Examples of the production research methodology using the capabilities of adaptive control systems for the milking process are described. The obtained results confirm the possibility of increasing the milk flow rate and cow productivity through the use of an original methodology for selecting parameters for differentiated stimulation and dynamic pulsation depending on the milk flow rate and productivity of cows in the herd. The developed methodological principles are aimed to create an original control algorithm for the milking process, adaptive to the individual physiological characteristics and ethological reactions of animals, ensuring increased cow productivity.
About the Authors
D. A. HryhoryeuBelarus
Dzmitry A. Hryhoryeu – Ph. D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Technologies and Mechanization of Animal Husbandry
99, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220023, Minsk
V. A. Kitsikau
Vadzim A. Kitsikau – Dr. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Director
10, Akademiсian Kuprevich Str., 220084, Minsk
K. V. Karol
Russian Federation
Kiril V. Karol – Process Engineer
6б, Uchinskaya Str., 141207, Pushkino, Moscow Region
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