
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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Intensification of meat productivity of horses for production of new horse meat products


Prospective tasks for the development of cultural herd horse breeding in Belarus include raising horses of new quality, which are most in demand in the current conditions for use within the republic and for export, as well as intensification of their meat productivity. While bearing specific traits of Belarusian Harness and Russian Heavy Draft breeds, horses of these genotypes will be characterized by new features of non-traditional horse use (cultural herd keeping). It was determined that it would be more expedient to enter both the domestic and foreign markets not with raw materials for processing, but with finished products. This is evidenced by the constantly accumulated domestic experience of meat processing enterprises of the country, including the economic results of meat horse breeding at FE “Vasilek” (Dzerzhinsky district). The paper presents for the first time the information about the developed normative documentation for industrial production of new types of horse meat products (cooked and smoked sausage product, semi-smoked sausage product, dry-cured pastirma) (Collection of recipes, Specifications). In general, the research conducted to study the meat productivity of horses of the studied genotypes kept in cultural herds should be the subject of further scientific research aimed at the development of technology for the production of new high-quality products and semi-finished products from horse meat. The data obtained will be used to develop a system of selection and intensive rearing of young horses of the Belarusian Harness and Russian Heavy Draft breeds characterized by meat-type exterior to achieve optimal early maturity and meat productivity. This will improve the welfare of Belarusian horse breeding, increase the quality of herd horses, and become an export-oriented branch of productive horse breeding for the CIS countries.

About the Authors

E. V. Sadykov
Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Animal Breeding

Evgeniy V. Sadykov – Applicant of Laboratory of Horse Breeding, Animal Breeding and Small Animal Breeding

11, Frunze Str., 222160, Zhodino, Minsk Region


Yu. I. Herman
Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Animal Breeding

Yury I. HermanPh. D. (Agriculture), Associate Professor, Head of Laboratory of Horse Breeding, Animal Breeding and Small Animal Breeding

11, Frunze Str., 222160, Zhodino, Minsk Region



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