Nutrient composition of berries of varieties and elite forms of gooseberry of I. V. Michurin Federal Scientific Center selection
The current global trend of popularizing a healthy lifestyle and increased interest in healthy foods largely determines increased consumption of berries. Expansion of the chemical composition database of large and small fruit crops is considered highly important for calculation of rational norms of food consumption that meet modern requirements of healthy nutrition. The paper presents data on nutrient composition and antioxidant value of berries among promising varieties and elite gooseberry seedlings in the conditions of the Central Black Earth Region (Michurinsk). The studies were carried out in 2017–2022 in the laboratory of biochemistry and food technology department of berry crops of “I. V. Michurin FSC”. Berries of the following varieties were the objects for the research: Aristocrat, Galatea, Kazachok, Konstantsia, Orfey, Serenada, Sfyncs, Chernomor; as well as elite gooseberry seedlings 03-6-137, 14-2-40, being promising for industrial horticulture. The best genotypes were determined: for sugar content (above 11.0 %) – Kazachok, Chernomor; for vitamin C content (over 40.0 mg/100 g) – Kazachok, Chernomor; for anthocyanins content (above 100.0 mg/100 g) – Chernomor. High total antioxidant activity was observed in Aristocrat (69.6 mg/100 g of gallic acid), Chernomor (51.6 mg/100 g of gallic acid), elite seedling 03-6-137 (54.6 mg/100 g of gallic acid). Kazachok and Chernomor varieties were identified on the basis of a complex of biochemical traits. Berries of high-vitamin varieties are recommended for dietary nutrition and for development of new functional products.
About the Authors
M. Yu. AkimovRussian Federation
Mikhail Yu. Akimov – Dr. Sc. (Agriculture), Director
30, Michurin Str., 393774, Michurinsk, Tambov Region
Y. V. Zhbanova
Russian Federation
Yekaterina V. Zhbanova – Dr. Sc. (Agriculture), Leading Research
30, Michurin Str., 393774, Michurinsk, Tambov Region
A. M. Mironov
Russian Federation
Aleksey M. Mironov – Junior Research
30, Michurin Str., 393774, Michurinsk, Tambov Region
N. V. Khromov
Russian Federation
Nikolay V. Khromov – Ph. D. (Agriculture), Senior Research
30, Michurin Str., 393774, Michurinsk, Tambov Region
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