
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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The effect of encapsulated sunflower oil in hydrocolloids shells on the quality and structure of oatmeal cookies


Oatmeal cookies contain trans fats and gluten, which have a negative impact on health. The content of these compounds harmful to the body is due to the inclusion of margarine and wheat flour in the cookies recipe. Margarine was replaced with encapsulated sunflower oil in shells of hydrocolloids. Based on studies of the foaming and emulsifying properties of protein-polysaccharide mixtures, it was found that the most stable shells on drops of sunflower oil are formed from hydrocolloids consisting of whey and a triple mixture of polysaccharides (agar, sodium alginate, carboxymethylcellulose). Additionally, in order to obtain a gluten-free product, wheat flour was removed from the recipe. The exclusion of wheat flour was compensated by the introduction of a mixture of corn and potato starches. The obtained samples of rich oatmeal cookies were compared with the control. Studies of the baking process have been carried out. It has been established that the introduction of encapsulated sunflower oil into the dough affects the thermophysical properties of the dough and increases its thermal diffusivity, which shortens the duration of baking cookies and increases the productivity of the oven by 17 %. Researches of structure of cookies on traditional and new technology are carried out. Tomographic images showed that the introduction of encapsulated oil in hydrocolloidal shells instead of margarine and the replacement of wheat flour with a mixture of corn and potato starches produced gluten-free cookies with a more porous structure. Oatmeal cookies, prepared according to the new technology and recipe, have better organoleptic characteristics, have a more balanced chemical composition, have an enriched fatty acid composition, which makes it possible to recommend them as a functional food.

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ISSN 1817-7204 (Print)
ISSN 1817-7239 (Online)