
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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Genome-wide search for associations method for identification of molecular markers and candidate genes of breed affiliation of sheep of the North Caucasian meat and wool breed


To determine the loci associated with pedigree traits, a genome-wide search was conducted for associations of 275 heads of Russian sheep breeds genotyped using 600 thousand single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The studies were conducted according to the “case-control” type, where the “case” group is represented by animals of the North Caucasian meat and wool breed, the “control” included animals of other breeds (Karachay, Romanovskaya, Dzhalginsky merino and Russian meat merino). In this study, over 100 SNPs were identified with highly reliable differences in the frequency of occurrence in sheep of the North Caucasian meat and wool breed. For the subsequent analysis, 18 single nucleotides with the highest confidence indices localized on chromosomes were selected 1, 10, 11, 15, 17. As a result of a genome-wide study, significant SNP markers characteristic of the sheep breed under study, located directly in the genes or close to them, were determined. The conducted studies provide a set of new SNP markers and candidate genes associated with the breed characteristics of North Caucasian meat-wool sheep.

About the Authors

A. Yu. Krivoruchko
North Caucasus Federal Agrarian Research Center; North Caucasus Federal University
Russian Federation

Alexander Yu. Krivoruchko – D. Sc. (Biology), Chief Researcher at the Laboratory for Genomic Selection and Reproductive Cryobiology in Animal Husbandry; Professor of the Basic Department of Genetics and Breeding of the Faculty of Biomedical Sciences

49, Nikonova Str., 356241, Mikhailovsk, Stavropol Region, Russian Federation

1, Pushkin Str., 355017, Stavropol, Russian Federation

A. V. Skokova
North Caucasus Federal Agrarian Research Center
Russian Federation

Antonina V. Skokova – Ph. D. (Biology), Senior Researcher at the Laboratory for Genomic Selection and Reproductive Cryobiology in Animal Husbandry

49, Nikonova Str., 356241, Mikhailovsk, Stavropol Region, Russian Federation

O. A. Yatsyk
North Caucasus Federal Agrarian Research Center; North Caucasus Federal University
Russian Federation

Olesya A. Yatsyk – Ph. D. (Biology), Researcher at the Laboratory for Genomic Selection and Reproductive Cryobiology in Animal Husbandry; lecturer of the Basic Department of Genetics and Breeding of the Faculty of Biomedical Sciences

49, Nikonova Str., 356241, Mikhailovsk, Stavropol Region, Russian Federation

1, Pushkin Str., 355017, Stavropol, Russian Federation

M. Yu. Kuharuk
North Caucasus Federal University
Russian Federation

Maxim Yu. Kuharuk – Ph. D. (Biology), Acting Head of the Department of Evolutionary Ecology and Biodiversity

2, Kulakov Str., 355000, Stavropol, Russian Federation

A. A. Likhovid
North Caucasus Federal University
Russian Federation

Andrey A. Likhovid – D. Sc. (Geography), Professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work

1, Pushkin Str., 355017, Stavropol, Russian Federation

N. I. Kizilova
Stavropol State Agrarian University
Russian Federation

Natalia I. Kizilova – Ph. D. (Philology), Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages

12, Zootechnicheckiy lane, 355017, Stavropol, Russian Federation


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