Scientific substantiation of use of food plant raw materials for production of specialized flour food products in cases of pathologies of metabolism protein component
There is a number of diseases caused by metabolism protein disorders. The treatment requires dietary therapy with specialized food products. Information on diseases associated with metabolism protein disorders protein in this paper, as well as restrictions in the formulation of diets, analyzing vegetable crops and their products, which can be used in the production of flour food products intended for people with metabolism protein disorders. Use of raw materials in development and production of such products is often not confirmed by the results of chemical composition and, as a consequence, is
groundless and inexpedient. Vegetable raw materials characterized by low protein content or absence of gluten have significant differences in technological properties compared to wheat flour, which forms the basis of most flour food products, which requires adjustments in the formulation or technological process of production of various groups of flour food products. Samples of buckwheat flour, including whole-milled flour from green buckwheat, rice and corn flours, sorghum flour, native potato and corn starches from different producers were used in the study. During the research we used common and special methods of determining the chemical composition, organoleptic and physical-and-chemical quality indicators, technological properties of the products and their chemical properties.
About the Authors
M. N. VasileuskayaBelarus
Marina N. Vasileuskaya, Ph. D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department
Department of Bread Products Technology
3, Shmidta Ave.
A. F. Tsikhanovich
Alena F. Tsikhanovich, Ph. D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department
Department of Bread Products Technology
3, Shmidta Ave.
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