
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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Plowing operation: labor productivity and specific operating costs. Part 1. Multifactor simulation of plowing operation


One of the most important problems in grain production in the Republic of Belarus is increasing labor productivity, which is 4–5 times less than labor productivity in the EU countries. A great influence on labor productivity and specific operating costs is exerted by energyand material-intensive operations, such as plowing and harvesting. The main patterns of the plowing operation, which is a complex technical system, is connected with the use of a large volume of agrotechnological, technical, operational, resource and economic information (operation duration, working length of the harrow, physical and mechanical properties of soil, depth of treatment, permissible interval of the unit speed, fuel and energy, engine power and traction characteristics, width of the unit, economic indicators, etc.) are considered. Currently, as a result of introduction of computer mathematics systems, there are effective methods available for studying complex technical systems, allowing for multi-factor modeling and multi-criteria optimization of the production processes and formation of a set of machines by system analysis. A prerequisite for a complete and comprehensive description of the functioning of a complex technical system is the presence of conflicting optimization parameters, as well as a complete set of independent control factors significantly affecting these parameters. A distinctive feature of the proposed method is to determine not one optimal solution, but a set of Paretooptimal solutions, giving the producer new opportunities of choice when organizing the production processes, increasing the efficiency of plowing operation and, consequently, the profitability of grain production in general. Therefore, increasing productivity at permissible specific operating costs through the formation of a rational set of machines and modes of its operation under specific conditions of production is an important scientific and engineering task. A mathematical illustration of the method is provided for natural-production conditions of the Republic of Belarus.

About the Authors

A. N. Leonov
Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University

Andrey N. Leonov – D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Professor of Modeling and Design Department

99, Nezavisimosni Ave., 220012, Minsk

T. A. Neparko
Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University

Tatyana A. Neparko – Ph. D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, Head of the Department for Tractor and Machinery Operation and Agrotechnologies

99, Nezavisimosni Ave., 220012, Minsk

Qingzhen Li
YiBin Vocational and Technical College

Qingzhen Li – Ph. D. (Engineering), Lecturer in the Department of Vehicles with New Means of Control

74 Xincun, Yibin City, Tsui Ping District, Sichuan Province


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