Effect of concentration of deodorizing reagents on the emission of odor-forming substances in pork manure
Complaints on unpleasant odor occurring near pig-breeding complexes and frequently, at a considerable distance from them, are one of the key factors that are limiting the development of pig-breeding industry. Unpleasant odor takes place as a result of anaerobic decomposition of the manure and also due to liquid slurry at the pig-breeding facility. Despite the fact, that the effect of unpleasant odor on human health is under-investigated, the people suffer natural aversion to the smell of manure. The smell of swine manure can be an unpleasant factor affecting the quality of the life of people living in the cities close to the pig-breeding complexes and also have an effect on the price of the real estate located within this area. Tightening of standards regulating the level of odor can also be a limiting factor for this branch of industry. Detailed research aimed at the selection of the optional composition of chemical reagents for deodoration and disinfection of liquid slurry waste at a pig breeding complex is presented. It has been determined, that the effect of disinfection and suppression of unpleasant odor for a long time is provided by the composition of ammonium persulphate, peracetic acid and formalin, the composition that contains sulphuric acid, sodium hypochlorite and sodium hydroxide and finally, the composition that contains sodium nitrite and ammonium molybdate. It was showed that the abovementioned mixtures are effective in relation to the samples of manure in laboratory (the volume of manure taken for the experiment was 200-400 ml), as well as semi-industrial conditions (the volume of manure – 80 liters). The manure mixtures obtained as a result of such treatment are environmentally friendly and can be used for the production of organo-mineral fertilizers.
About the Authors
A. А. RatkoBelarus
Alexander A. Ratko – Ph. D. (Chemistry), Deputy Director for Science and Innovations
9/1, Surganova Str., 220072, Minsk
Yu. V. Duko
Yuliya V. Duko – Research of the Laboratory for Mineral Fertilizers
9/1, Surganova Str., 220072, Minsk
V. V. Shevchuk
Vyacheslav V. Shevchuk – Correspondent Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, D. Sc. (Chemistry), Head of the Laboratory for Mineral Fertilizers
9/1, Surganova Str., 220072, Minsk
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