
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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Phytopathological situation in crops of spring wheat varieties in Belarus


Monitoring of phytopathological situation in crops is the basis for biological justification of the need for protective measures, allowing to obtain a yield close to the potentially possible. The results of phytopathological situation monitoring in crops of spring wheat varieties are presented in the paper. Studies were carried out in 2019–2021 in the laboratory of phytopathology and in the experimental field of the Institute of Plant Protection. Standard methods in phytopathology were used during the work. The main criteria for assessing the degree of plant infestation were disease development (%) and area under disease process curve (AUDPC, in conditional units). Analysis of phytopathological state of spring wheat crops showed that during the growing season the crop varieties were affected by diseases of vegetative and generative organs: root and byroot rots, powdery mildew, leaf and ear septoriosis, pyrenophorosis, brown rust, and fusariosis of ear. Root rot, leaf spot disease, septoriosis, and spikelet fusariosis are among the dominant diseases annually present in spring wheat crops. Variety differences in disease incidence are a factor influencing the emerging phytopathological situation in the crop. Cultivation of resistant varieties reduces the risk of epiphytotics. According to the sum of infectious loads experienced by the plants during the whole period of vegetation, the evaluated varieties of spring wheat were ranked in ascending order: Lyubava (60,5 %), Slavyanka (61,9 %), Sudarynya (66,9 %), Laska (71,3 %), and Darya (83,9 %). The results of the studies allow to give preference to the most interesting varieties, based on the available opportunities to ensure the proper level of protection against diseases.

About the Authors

E. I. Zhuk
Institute of Plant Protection, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Elena I. Zhuk – Ph. D. (Agriculturе), Leading Researcher

2, Mira Str., 223011, Priluki, Minsk District, Minsk Region

N. A. Krupenkо
Institute of Plant Protection, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Natalya A. Krupenkо – Ph. D. (Biology), Associate Pro- fessor, Head of the Laboratory for Phytopathology

2, Mira Str., 223011, Priluki, Minsk District, Minsk Region

A. A. Radyna
Institute of Plant Protection, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Alla A. Radyna – Senior Researcher

2, Mira Str., 223011, Priluki, Minsk District, Minsk Region

A. N. Khalaev
Institute of Plant Protection, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Aleksei N. Khalaev – Researcher

2, Mira Str., 223011, Priluki, Minsk District, Minsk Region

N. G. Poplavskaya
Institute of Plant Protection, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Natalya G. Poplavskaya – Researcher

2, Mira Str., 223011, Priluki, Minsk District, Minsk Region

V. A. Radivon
Institute of Plant Protection, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Veronica A. Radivon – Researcher

2, Mira Str., 223011, Priluki, Minsk District, Minsk Region


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