Economic and legal potential of the agricultural industry of the Kyrgyz Republic in conditions of the society’s digital development
This paper dwells on economic and legal potential of the agricultural sector of the Kyrgyz Republic in conditions of the society’s digital development, and also provides recommendations for the development of the agricultural sector in the field of information relations. The growth of the digital economic space in the world practice was most accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic, when the main directions of economic development of many countries began to depend on the digitalization of certain sectors of the economy and the society. Methods of economic and legal analysis of the agricultural sector were used during the study, including analysis of the development of information and communication technologies, communications and the Internet in the current period of the country’s development. This study showed that state-and-private interaction and partnership should be closer and aimed at creating a common information structure of the industry, including one based on the adoption of common legal and economic solutions. Based on the study conducted, it is recommended to strengthen the level of information support for the rural population, create an agricultural information network and an appropriate information infrastructure, which should further strengthen the interaction between the rural population and government authorities, contribute to solution of a number of economic problems in the field of agriculture in the country.
About the Authors
S. R. SemenovKyrgyzstan
Sergei R. Semenov – Ph. D. (Economics), Acting Assistant Professor of Department of International Business
255, Chui Ave., 720001, Bishkek
ResearcherID: GXF-1604-2022
N. S. Semenov
Nikolai S. Semenov – Ph. D. (Law), Acting Assistant Professor of Department of Jurisprudence and International law
4, 7 April Str., 720007, Bishkek
ResearcherID: ADJ-1128-2022
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