
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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Application of digital models for improvement of beef cattle feeding graphs


The beef cattle breeding development is one of the strategic directions for the livestock development in Russia and the CIS countries, including the Republic of Belarus. The livestock fattening most important point is minimizing the costs. Studies have shown that the animals’ greatest body weight 900 kg had had adult culled cattle over a period of 120 days, as well as heifers with calving on pasture during the 30-month fattening. During 28-month fattening of suckling steers at pasture housing, the amount of feed energy unit per day turned out to be the smallest among technologies with the largest number of fattening periods, and amounted to 29.3 at animals fattening during five periods of pasture housing versus 39.7 in two periods of intensive grain fattening: 1 day of pasture housing costs 3.5 versus 12.5 feed energy unit in other periods. In young animals raised on suckling, the best average body weight was equal to 720 kg, but weaning calves showed 710 kg. The feed costs per 1 kg of weight gain were equal to 0.04, 0.10 and 0.09 respectively, i. e. the smallest amount of feed was spent for suckling young animals’ fattening, and the largest – for weaning calves. Efficiency of fattening in rubles made 21.0, 56.4 and 48.0 rubles per 1 kg of weight gain, respectively, or in terms of 1 period of fattening of grown animals – 56.4 rubles, young animals raised at suckling – 6.8, and weaning calves – 19.2. The obtained data allows, through the biological methods and mathematical models individual for each group of cattle at fattening, to obtain optimal weight gain with minimized feed costs.

About the Authors

V. Yu. Sidorova
Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM
Russian Federation

Victoria Yu. Sidorova – D. Sc. (Agricultural), Chief Researcher of the Laboratory for Development of Innovative Equipment and Advanced Technologies for Beef Production

31, Ryazanovskoe village, Znamya of October, 108823, Moscow

E. B. Petrov
Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM
Russian Federation

Evgeny B. Petrov – Ph. D. (Agricultural), Leading Researcher of the Laboratory for Development of Innovative Equipment and Advanced Technologies for Beef Production

31, Ryazanovskoe village, Znamya of October, 108823, Moscow

N. N. Novikov
Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM
Russian Federation

Nikolai N. Novikov – Ph. D. (Engineering), Leading Researcher of the Laboratory for Development of Innovative Equipment and Advanced Technologies for Pig Production

31, Ryazanovskoe village, Znamya of October, 108823, Moscow


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