Institutional features of corporate investment development in the Belarusian state consortium of food industry “Belgospishcheprom”
In the modern economy, it is important to build a management vertical that will allow for an effective and prompt response to emerging challenges and threats in the food market. This, in turn, requires transformation of existing organizational forms of economic activity, as well as through creation of more advanced and aggressive ones – corporations. This work is being carried out by the Government of the Republic of Belarus. Relevant instructions have been sent to the Ministry of Industry, consortiums Bellegprom, Bellesbumprom and Belgospishcheprom. However, in the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, this form of management is not represented, respectively, there are no uniform approaches regarding its content, mechanism and methods of creation, and advantages, especially in investment activities. In this regard, the study aims to substantiate and develop practice-oriented scientific approaches to the evolution and content of the “corporation” category, to assess the role of the investment component in the development of the corporate management mechanism, to identify the most important features of corporate investment, as well as to disclose the advantages that have allowed corporations to become successful and popular forms of organization of economic relations around the world. As a result of the study, the criteria for classifying legal entities created in the Republic of Belarus as corporations were specified and an appropriate analysis was carried out for compliance.
About the Authors
A. V. PilipukBelarus
Andrey V. Pilipuk – D. Sc. (Economics), Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Director
103, Kazintsa Str., 220108, Minsk
A. V. Gerasenko
Alexander V. Gerasenko – Head of the Department for
Legal and Personnel Work
6, Aranskaya Str., 220006, Minsk
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