
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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Milk fondant has a great potential to be used as a universal semi-finished product in production of candy bodies, filling for caramel and icing for cakes and pastries. Milk fondant mass is made of sugar, molasses, condensed milk and butter. The aim of this research was to improve the formulation and technology of milk fondant by enriching it with liquid vegetable oil in casings made of protein-polysaccharide mixtures (PPS) and to assess the effect of composition of the wall material of encapsulated walnut oil on the quality and structure of milk fondant. Research and analysis of candy mass recipes have been carried out and linear relationships have been revealed between sugary and protein-fat components, which make it possible to create new recipes with the replacement of ineffective ones with functional components, to control the quality, structure and cost of the product. Effect of the nature of protein base of the emulsion gel on the quality of the candy fondant mass has been studied. It has been determined that the emulsifying and foaming ability of PPS affects the density of the candy mass and creates an emulsion-foam structure in the liquid phase of the fondant, which, in turn, affects the particle size distribution of the solid phase of the fondant. The role of polysaccharides in the wall material of the emulsion gel has been established, which is associated with increased water absorption capacity (gum arabic, carboxymethyl cellulose), and, as a consequence, increased moisture content of the fondant mass. It was revealed that РPS form a gel structure in a continuous medium, which also affects the nucleation and growth of sucrose crystals. In addition, polysaccharides such as carboxymethyl cellulose lose water during storage and can be the nucleus for the crystallization of sucrose. Conducted tomographic studies of the experimental fondant masses structure confirm that they have small crystals and inclusions of air. So, in the control sample, the volume fraction of air was 6 %, and in the experimental fondant masses based on soy protein isolate (SPI) and dry milk whey (DMW) – 9 % and 5 %, respectively. It can be concluded that improvement of the recipe composition and technology of milk fondant leads not only to an improvement in the nutritional value, structure, shelf life and expansion of the functionality of the candy masses, but also to its cost and production time reduction.

About the Authors

V. A. Vaskina
Moscow State University of Food Production
Russian Federation

Valentina A. Vaskina – D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Professor of the Department of Grain, Bakery and Confectionery Technologies

125080, Moscow, Volokolamskoe highway, 11

R. K. Kandrokov
Moscow State University of Food Production
Russian Federation

Roman Kh. Kandrokov – Ph. D. (Engineering), Associate Professor of the Department of Grain, Bakery and Confectionery Technologies

125080, Moscow, Volokolamskoe highway, 11

A. A. Bykov
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University)
Russian Federation

Alexander A. Bykov – Ph. D. (Engineering), Associate Professor

141700, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny, Institutskiy Ln., 9

E. S. Novozhilova
Belarusian State University of Food and Chemical Technologies

Elena S. Novozhilova – Ph. D. (Engineering), Associate Professor of the Department of Bread Products Technology

212029, Mogilev, Schmidt Ave., 3


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