The application of process solutions of pesticides in the field is inevitably accompanied by losses, which it is not possible to eliminate completely at this stage. The greatest damage to the environment is caused by the drifting of preparations off the treated object during treatment in windy weather. The process of drifting the drops of the process solution, taking into account the impact of environmental factors on them, has not been fully studied; consequently, the results of practical experiments can be different, sometimes contradictory. The issue of compliance with technological recommendations and use of technical devices that reduce or prevent the drifting of drops of working solutions when spraying crops remains relevant. The studies of the movement of pesticide drops under the influence of various factors, the directions of possible reduction of losses due to drifting and the use of various designs of windproof devices to field sprayers are considered in the paper. The results of experimental studies of quantitative and qualitative indicators of drifting using hydraulic sprayers are presented: slit Teejet TR40015E, vortex Lurmark 30НСX3 and centrifugal POK-0.6, as well as a windproof device made in the form of a louver grille. Drifting degree of the working fluid, characterized by the coefficient of targeted use of the fluid and the distance of drifting of droplets were taken as the objective functions. As a result, recommendations on the use of hydraulic sprayers of various types when spraying in windy weather and the technological parameters of a louvered windproof device are given and justified. The results obtained were implemented in development of agricultural machines for the band fertilizing during plant care of vegetables and can be used in the design and operation of field sprayers.
About the Authors
I. S. KrukBelarus
Igor S. Kruk – Ph. D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, Vice-rector for Science – Director of the Research Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture
220023, Minsk, Nezavisimosti Ave., 99
O. V. Gordeenko
Oleg V. Gordeenko – Ph. D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, Head of the Agricultural Machinery Department
213407, Mogilev Region, Gorki, Michurina Str., 5
T. P. Kot
Tatsiana P. Kot – Ph. D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, Department of Occupational Safety
220013, Minsk, Nezavisimosti Ave., 65
A. E. Markevich
Alexander E. Markevich – Ph. D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, Сhief Engineer
213410, Mogilev Region, Gorki, Ivanova Str., 3
W. Romaniuk
Waclaw Romaniuk – D. Sc. (Engineering), Professor
Warsawa, Rakoveckaya Str., 14
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