Differentiated approach to the study of infestation with parafasciolopsosis of different age categories of the European moose has been used for the first time. The features of Parafasciolopsis fasciolaemorpha invasion in a group of young (1-year and 1.5-year-old) moose under conditions of alternating abnormally dry and rainy seasons in the east of the European part of Russia are shown. A significant increase in the prevalence of invasion (PI) of this helminth in the moose population (up to 76.5 %), and especially in young individuals (1-year-old up to 62.5 %, 1.5-year-old up to 100 %), was clearly manifested in 2009–2019. A high inverse correlation (r = –0.74, p ≤ 0.05) of the extensiveness of parafasciolopsous invasion in 1.5-year-old species on the humidity regime of summer seasons was revealed. The decrease in watering of the territory during dry seasons contributed to an increase in the density of the intermediate host (Planorbarius corneus) and the concentration of the invasive onset in large water bodies. A high correlation (r = 0.90, p ≤ 0.05) was established between the total PI of parafasciolopsis in the moose group and infection of 1-year-olds. Significant infestation of young individuals (Alces alces) can negatively affect the state of the entire moose population and lead to decrease in numbers.
About the Authors
O. V. MaslennikovaBelarus
Maslennikova Olga V. – Ph. D. (Biological), Associate Professor of the Department of Ecology and Zoology
610017, Kirov, Oktyabrskiy Ave., 133
T. G. Shikhova
Shikhova Tatyana G. – Ph. D. (Biological), Senior Research Associate of the Department of Animal Ecology
610020, Kirov, Preobrazhenskaya Str., 79
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