Production of domestic high protein fodder is a key problem for the livestock sector in the Republic of Belarus. It is possible to solve it due to extension of arable lands for legume crops, particularly for faba beans. The research on evaluating the efficiency of biological preparations applied to crops against diseases is highly prioritized. This allows obtaining organic products with a minimum impact on the environment. Presowing treatment of seeds with preparation Fungilex, L (Trichoderma sp. D-11) – (8.0–10.0 l/t) as well as with chemical protectant Scarlet, ME (imazalil, 100 g/l + tebuconazole, 40 g/l) – (0.4 l/t) allows reducing Alternaria blight by 73.8–78.8 % and Fusarium blight by 53.3–56.7 %, which ensures saving of 2.8–3.0 dt/ha of grains compared to the control. Soil application with microbiological inoculant Resoiler, L (Trichoderma sp. L-3 and Trichoderma sp. L-6) – (6.0 and 8.0 l/ha) before filed beans sowing contributes to growing vegetative mass by 3.2–3.5 %, decreasing Fusarium blight development by 69.1–70.6 % and increasing seed productivity by 3.1–3.6 dt/ha compared to the control. Combined use of biopreparations Fungilex, L (8.0 and 10.0 l/t) and Resoiler, L (6.0 and 8.0 l/ha) promotes the growth of aerial parts of the plant by 3.5–3.8 % and reduction of Alternaria blight development by 88.7–90.1 % and Fusarium blight development by 76.5–79.4 %. This ensures statistically significant saving of 5.1–5.6 dt/ha of grain in relation to the control and obtaining the maximum net profit of 231.5–249.5 rubles/ha, which is 32.6–50.6 rubles/ha higher in comparison with Scarlet, ME (0.4 l/t). It’s important to underline that a protective effect of the biological preparations as well as the chemical protectant was observed before the booting stage of the crop (BBCH 35). The application of biological preparations allows reducing pesticide load on the crop, protecting plants from diseases and obtaining organic products. The research findings can be widely applied in agriculture.
About the Authors
F. I. PrivalovBelarus
Fiodor I. Privalov – Academician, D. Sc. (Agriculture), Professor, Director General
222160, Zhodino, Timiryazeva Str., 1
A. A. Zaprudsky
Alexander A. Zaprudsky – Ph. D. (Agriculture), Associate Professor, Director
223011, Minsk District, Minsk Region, agro-town Priluky, Mira Str., 2
D. V. Voytka
Dmitry V. Voytka – Ph. D. (Biology), Head of the Laboratory of Microbiological Method of Crop Protection from Pests and Diseases
223011, Minsk District, Minsk Region, agro-town Priluky, Mira Str., 2
A. M. Yakovenko
Anna M. Yakovenko – Ph. D. (Agriculture), Head of the Laboratory of Fodder and Industrial Crops
223011, Minsk District, Minsk Region, agro-town Priluky, Mira Str., 2
D. F. Privalov
Dmitry F. Privalov – Ph. D. (Agriculture), Director Deputy for Information Technology
223011, Minsk District, Minsk Region, agro-town Priluky, Mira Str., 2
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