
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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Substantiation of the optimal rate of straw bed in sections with different technological solution


There is no consensus among producers and agricultural practitioners as to which bedding material is the best. The choice is largely influenced by its useful properties, duration of use and high cost. Organic (straw, sawdust, wood shavings, peat, etc.), inorganic (sand) and synthetic (rubber mats; mattresses made of chopped rubber, latex, polyurethane foam lining, waterproof wax coating, etc.) materials are used for bedding. A significant part of agricultural organizations in Belarus uses winter straw. As a bedding material, it has a number of useful properties: low thermal conductivity, high moisture absorption capacity, low cost, and comfort for animals. According to the Republican standards for the technological design of new, reconstruction and technological re-equipment of livestock facilities (RNTD-1-2004), the standards for consumption of straw bedding for cows at loose housing on deep litter is 8 kg, but there are no input standards for sections with other technological solutions. The paper presents the results of studies to determine the optimal rate of straw bedding in sections with different technological solutions. Analysis of ethological reactions of animals, contamination of the skin, presence/absence of injuries on the body, temperature characteristics of the straw bedding in different seasons of the year and the economic efficiency of using different straw bedding rates has been performed. It has been determined that the optimal straw bedding rate for the general section is 4.5 kg/animal per day, for a section with a division into a feeding area and a rest area – 3.0 kg/animal per day. Application of these rates of straw bedding will enable it to be used economically without affecting the productivity and resting comfort of cows. The research results can be used in design and construction of industrial dairy complexes and storages for rough feeds.

About the Author

A. I. Shamonina
Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Animal Breeding

Alla I. Shamonina – Researcher of the Laboratory for Development of Intensive Technologies for Milk and Beef Production

11, Frunze Str., 222163, Zhodino, Minsk Region


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