
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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Regional Energy efficiency management of alternative energy sources in the context of strengthening food security of Republic of Belarus


Development of the circular and green economy, including its individual areas, makes certain adjustments to the national management model, bringing the development of alternative energy sources to the forefront, taking into account the possibilities of their application in specific regions while respecting the effectiveness of commercial activities. The paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the use of fuel and energy resources in agriculture (2000–2020), gives a brief description of the existing installations in terms of energy types. Taking into account the peculiarities of alternative energy sources development (availability of a number of benefits when using alternative energy generation plants; quotas for the size of energy in the context of business entities; lack of recommendations on the establishment and distribution of limits, etc.) methodological provisions are proposed to substantiate the effective consumer of energy from alternative sources, which are based on scientifically sound approaches to assessing energy consumers within quotas, taking into account the importance of their products and with a focus on strengthening food security in conjunction with strengthening the energy security of regions. It has been determined that quotas should be considered as a method of increasing the efficiency of using alternative energy sources, which takes into account the effectiveness of the application of installations, transferred to the final product. The scientific novelty of the development lies in substantiation and development of scientific and theoretical provisions for the management of alternative energy sources at the regional level in relation to agricultural sectors in conjunction with other sectors of the economy, practical implementation of those will contribute to development of solutions agreed between individual economic entities for sustainable development of regions, taking into account formation of optimal levels of use of alternative energy sources.


About the Author

S. V. Makrak
Institute of System Researches in Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Svietlana V. Makrak – Ph. D. (Economical), Associate Professor, Head of the Pricing Sector

103, Kazinca Str., 220108, Minsk


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