Evolution of the theory and practices of human capital management in the agricultural sector
Human capital is a factor and a result of the agrarian economy development at the same time, which determines peculiarities of its formation and use. Managing the development of human capital in agricultural sector of the economy is a complex problem, requiring development of theoretical, methodological and practical recommendations in order to ensure food security, improve in competitiveness of agricultural products and living standards of the rural population, stimulate innovative activities and innovative development of agro-industrial complex, and ensuring the growth rate of agricultural labor productivity. Social and economic, technical and technological and institutional transformations in the agricultural sector contribute to the emergence of scientific schools, defining theoretical directions and methodological approaches of management. Aggregation of conducted researches and refracting them into the plane of agro-industrial production makes it possible to identify the main stages of transformation of conceptual aspects of human capital management, depending on the stages of social and economic and technical and technological development of the agricultural sector. Study of genesis and evolution of human capital management allows to substantiate a single concept, revealing features of transformation of theoretical and methodological ideas about this process within the framework of scientific paradigm corresponding to a certain historical stage in society development. Considering the previous stages, this makes it possible to develop the concept of the essence, content and structure of human capital, taking into account industry specifications, to determine the features of its management in the agricultural sector.
About the Authors
G. I. GanushBelarus
Gennadн I. Ganush - Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, D. Sc. (Economics), Professor.
99, Nezavisimosti Ave., Minsk 220023
T. A. Tsetsiarynets
Tatsiana A. Tsetsiarynets - Ph. D. (Economics), Associate professor.
99, Nezavisimosti Ave., Minsk 220023
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