Development of information and consulting services in the system of information relations in the agricultural industry of the Kyrgyz Republic
Information relations in agricultural sector of the Kyrgyz Republic (KR) needs further development based on the digitalization processes taking place in the society. Spread of COVID-19 pandemic introduced a number of economic adjustments to the country’s digital interactions, which significantly influenced the development of information and consulting services in the industry. Cooperation of the Kyrgyz Republic with the states of the Eurasian Economic Union presupposes close interaction on issues of regulation of the common agricultural market and development of international trade in the field of agriculture, which also affects digitalization of the country’s economy. The paper presents the results of methodological study on development of information and consulting services in the agricultural sector, analysis of organizational structure of the country’s agriculture according to categories of farms, and entities requiring these services have been determined. Recommendations are proposed for digitalization of the industry, taking into account development of information and consulting services, based on the current state of agricultural production, as son as the main consumers of information services turn to be peasant (farmer) households as the main producers of agricultural products. Building a system of information and consulting services will contribute to development of its own market for agricultural products, processing information from agricultural producers and consumers of agricultural products, creating profitable trade relations and marketing of agricultural products.
About the Authors
S. R. SemenovKyrgyzstan
Sergei R. Semenov - Ph. D. (Economics).
255, Chui Ave., Bishkek 720001
N. S. Semenov
Nikolai S. Semenov - Ph. D. (Law).
255, Chui Ave., Bishkek 720001
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