State information system “AITS”: features of formation and directions of development
Animal breeding is a strategic branch of agri-business in the Republic of Belarus, focused on solving social and economic issues and ensuring national food security. Currently, its development is innovations based, forming a high level of the country’s production and export potential. In the world ranking by the end of 2020, the Republic of Belarus took the 5th place in terms of milk exports (4.8 million tons). As world experience shows, the key direction is implementation of electronic identification of animals as an accounting system in agriculture, including assigning identification number to an animal by tagging, registering information about it in a database and issuing an appropriate passport. The paper summarizes and systematizes legal, organizational and financial conditions for creation and functioning of national information systems in Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Great Britain, the European Union, Canada, the Netherlands, the USA, Switzerland, and Japan. It has been determined that absence of a system for identifying the registration of farm animals leads to distortion of data on the number of livestock, and also creates obstacles for selection work and livestock breeding, decreases efficiency of antiepizootic measures, and inhibits international trade in animals and animal products. In development of this, the necessity of this process in the Republic of Belarus, feasibility of creating the state information system “AITS” (SIS AITS) and corresponding management structure – SI “Center for information systems in animal husbandry” are substantiated. With Gomel region as an example, peculiarities of planning and implementation of process of identification and registration of farm animals are disclosed, the main indicators of the efficiency of SIS AITS for 2013–2020 are analyzed. The advantages of commodity producers of the Republic of Belarus in the context of strengthening production and marketing and export potential and reducing risks in the domestic and foreign markets are substantiated. The issues presented in the article are of interest in determining measures for implementation of the State Program “Agrarian Business” for 2021-2025 and a strategy for the export of agricultural products and food products for the period up to 2025.
About the Author
I. V. BryulaBelarus
Ihar V. Bryula - Ph. D. (Agricultural), Assistant Professor
15, Kirova Str., Minsk 220030
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