
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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Associative parasitoses of the gastrointestinal tract of horses and assessment of anti-parasitic drugs efficiency


Invasive diseases of horses are an urgent problem in the horse breeding industry of the Republic of Belarus, as well as in the near and far abroad countries. The main role among the parasitic pathology is occupied by helminths of the small and large intestine, as well as larvae of gasterophilus. In associative course, they are the cause of significant economic losses associated with the growth and development of sick young animals, reduced performance, endurance of animals, increased susceptibility to other diseases, and even the death of animals. Planned therapeutic and preventive measures using broad-spectrum anthelmintics is a priority measure to reduce economic damage in development of the horse breeding industry. The paper provides data on spread of parasitoses of gastrointestinal tract in horses in the Republic of Belarus during period of 2004-2020. The paper presents the species composition of horse parasites localized in the stomach, small and large intestines. Data on extensiveness and intensity of invasions of horses by parasitocenosis of digestive tract in terms of age are presented. Therapeutic efficiency of antiparasitic drugs of various pharmacological groups in mono- and polyinfestations of gastrointestinal tract of horses are studied. High extensibility of Avermectin series preparations (Avermectin paste 1 %, Rivertin 1 %) has been determined for nematodes of gastrointestinal tract of horses and gastrointestinal disease. High efficiency has been obtained from a new complex antiparasitic preparation for horses “Prazimax” in mono- and polyinfestations caused by parasites of gastrointestinal tract, including nematodes of the small and large intestines, larvae of gasterophilus and Anoplocephala perfoliata cestodes. Data on spread of associative course of parasitocenoses of the digestive tract of horses, age and seasonal dynamics will allow veterinary specialists to make timely diagnosis, conduct differential diagnostics, determine the optimal timing of diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive treatments, taking into account the specifics of parasitocenosis.

About the Author

M. P. Sinyakov
Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine

Maksim P. Sinyakov, Ph. D. (Veterinary), Assisstant Professor

1 Dovatora Str., 7/11, Vitebsk 210026


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