Peculiarities of karyotype of the Ukrainian aboriginal Hutsul breed of horse
Saving biodiversity and assessment of the genetic diversity of local breeds of domestic animals as priority subjects of protection in agrobiocenoses is one of the global challenges facing humanity in the 21st century. Hutsul horse is one of the oldest horse breeds in Ukraine, which according to the gene pool subject of horses in Ukraine belongs to the group “Local (mountain and ponies)” of the I category, which is already on the verge of extinction, and according to the FAO classification it is considered to be a subject of the gene pool threatened with extinction. Since the breeding chromosomal polymorphism of horses is insufficiently studied, it is timely to carry out a cytogenetic analysis of the characteristics of spontaneous mutagenesis in Hutsul horses. Karyotypic variability of Hutsul breed horses was determined using the methods of cytogenetic analysis and micronucleus test. The paper presents the results of cytogenetic analysis and micronucleus test of karyotypic variability of Hutsul breed horses. Asynchronous divergence of centromere regions of chromosomes occurs as a result of premature replication of centromere regions of heterochromatin associated with centromere activity. In the studied Hutsul horses, the magnitude of this variability corresponds to the spontaneous level for horses as a whole (2.2-9.1 %). No structural chromosomal abnormalities (chromosomal breaks) were revealed in Hutsul breed horses at Krai Neba LLC, and in the animals of the Hutsulshchina National Nature Park, the percentage of metaphase plates with chromosomal breaks was low (1.1 %), which indicates the stability of the karyotype of the studied animals. The results of the micronucleus test showed that the proportion of lymphocytes with micronuclei in the animals at the both farms was practically the same - 4.0-4.2. It can be concluded based on the data obtained that the animals under study were in ecologically clean conditions relative to the level of radionuclide contamination and were characterized by karyotype stability and reduced sensitivity to mutagenic factors of various nature.
About the Author
L. F. StarodubUkraine
Starodub Lybov F., Ph.D. (Agricultural)
1, Pogrebnyaka, Chubinskoe 08321, Boryspil district, Kiev region
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