
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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Formation of economic and information relations in the agricultural sector of the Kyrgyz Republic


The agricultural sector of the Kyrgyz Republic needs to address a number of priority measures caused by the global crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic affected the country’s economic development, which was reflected in decrease in exports and a slowdown in economic growth. Joint cooperation with the states of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) assumes interstate interaction to regulate the common agricultural market, develop international integration and cooperation, which helps to equalize economic risks, preserve and develop own production in the field of agriculture. Activation of economic and information relations processes in agriculture of the republic, development of innovation and investment activities, construction of new methods for approach to formation of the export potential of the industry, internal and external interaction of the state bodies of the country with the economic entities in agribusiness and development of market relations, is especially relevant. The paper presents the results of methodological study and offers practical recommendations for ensuring sustainable development of the agricultural sector, as well as ways to improve new legal, economic and management decisions. Based on building of system of sectoral and statistical indicators, an assessment of functioning was made for the flour-grinding industry, sector of crop and livestock products, direction of promoting the export potential and export opportunities of the agricultural industry was studied, the labor potential and its possibilities in development of food production and peasant (farm) households, the assessment of investments level in the economy and agricultural sector of the republic has been given. Recommendations have been proposed for the current assessment of agricultural production at the level of organizations and peasant (farm) households, in order to achieve better results in the field of economic and information relations based on public administration.

About the Authors

S. R. Semenov
International University of Kyrgyz Republic

Sergei R. Semenov, Ph. D. (Economics)

255, Chui Ave., Bishkek 720001

N. S. Semenov
International University of Kyrgyz Republic

Nikolai S. Semenov, Ph. D. (Law)

255, Chui Ave., Bishkek 720001


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ISSN 1817-7204 (Print)
ISSN 1817-7239 (Online)