
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian Series

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Rheological modeling of pasta dough flow processes in channels of convergent-divergent inserts of molding matrix


One of efficient directions for pasta press designs modernization is installation of special conical-and-cylindrical inserts in the matrix wells in front of the dies having, like Venturi tubes, narrowing zones (convergent), expansion (divergent) and a cylindrical path located between them. However, rheological aspects of such method of forming tool modernizing in relation to pasta presses have not been studied, recommendations for structural elements calculation and design have not been developed. All this is a significant obstacle for using the method in engineering and industrial practice. The research purpose is to develop rheological models the pasta dough flow in the conical-cylindrical channels of convergent-divergent inserts and to evaluate with their help the impact of structural dimensions and rheological properties on resistance to pasta dough flow. Pasta dough was considered as a rheological complex nonlinearly viscous plastic material. In technical calculations contribution of shear strength was neglected and a rheological analysis was performed using the Oswald-de-Vila power law equation. Analytical dependences obtained make it possible to calculate the pressure drops in the convergent-divergent insert and its elements. Numerical modeling was performed and calculated data were obtained regarding the impact of dimensions of structural elements of the insert and rheological parameters of pasta dough on its resistance to viscous flow. The results obtained can form the basis of engineering and technological calculations in design of convergent-divergent inserts for laboratory and industrial matrices of pasta presses.

About the Authors

V. Ya. Grudanov
The Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University

Vladimir Y. Grudanov - D.Sc. (Engineering), Professor

99, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220124, Minsk

A. B. Torgan
The Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University

Anna B. Torhan - Ph.D. (Engineering)

99, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220124, Minsk

V. G. Barsukov
The Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

Vladimir G. Barsukov - D.Sc. (Engineering)

22, Ozheshko Str., 230023, Grodno


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